Delaware Liberal

Ryan S’s anti-gay choice for President hires closeted gays!! (gasp!!)

Why is it always the biggest anti-gays who are either gay or hiring closeted gays?

High-profile Tancredo presidential campaign staffer outed

Tyler Whitney, the webmaster for the right-wing antigay Colorado Republican Rep. Tom Tancredo’s presidential campaign, has been outed by the Michigan gay paper Between the Lines. I had reporter Todd Heywood on the show today. Bay Buchanan, Team Tancredo Senior Advisor and sister of the fire-breathing Pat Buchanan, is defending Whitney, saying, “A person’s sexual preference is a personal matter and has nothing to do with the campaign.”

I love Bay Buchanan’s quote. It is just the kind of reality denial Tyler Whitney was all about. Check it out…

In addition to his ties to Tancred, Whitney is closely associated with Kyle Bristow, the leader of the Young Americans for Freedom MSU chapter, now officially listed as a hate group. Bristow has opined that if he had a gay son he would kill him, and that homosexuals should be in prison.

Whitney is also pictured in a Nov. 20 protest holding a sign which reads “Go back in the closet.” The protest was against a proposed comprehensive human rights ordinance in the city of Lansing, an ordinance that was later adopted by a unanimous vote of the City Council.

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