Thompson Eats Romney’s Lunch

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 12, 2007

According to a new LA Times poll, Flipp Romney has dropped to 4th place behind Rudy(27%), Fred Thompson(21%) and McCain(12%).  I’m not sure that this is a sign of Rudy’s or Fred’s strength or of the weakness of Romney.  I have heard many a Republican state that they can’t believe a word out of Flipp’s mouth.  Republicans seem to have a similar aversion to him that they had to Clinton.  I suspect that this poll won’t make its way to FSP

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  1. FSP says:

    Romney is the only candidate who is consistently rising in national polls, even though he doesn’t care about national polls.

    He is putting forth effort in early primary states, and he is leading in Iowa and New Hampshire, has rocketed into double digits in South Carolina and is rising in Florida.

    No one sweats the national polls.

    Also, as far as Thompson goes, a candidate as always the most popular the day before he gets in the race. We’ll see if he can hold up.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Rocketed into double digits? 10% is double digits. Perhaps next he can blast into the teens.

  3. FSP says:

    Going from 6 to 16 in two weeks in a field with four legitimate candidates is a major move.

  4. G Rex says:

    I thought it was revealed that it was Ted Kennedy who had been eating Romney’s lunches, even when it plainly said “Gov. R” on the paper bag.

  5. Mike Protack says:

    National polls do matter a bit but not much at this point. Most things will be local. I mean individual states at the beginning of the primary food chain are critical for Romney and he seems to be doing that real well.

    Thompson does grab a headline real well but early primaries require boots on the ground and he has a small window to accomplish that need.