I just left the Hospital

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 18, 2007

Part of my mission was to explore everything over here to find out why these tiny brown people hate their country and come to ours.  I tell you I am still miffed.  The real reason for this post though is that I broke my foot and had to use their emergency care. 

 I didn’t have to wait in line at all.  In fact the place is empty.  (I wonder if they go to the US for Medical care?hmmmm, anyway)  What an experience I had. 

I acted like I didn’t understand a word they were saying, that I didn’t have any peso’s and that I was going to pay them back as soon as I got the money together.

 Suckers!  I have no intention of paying them back! 

Also, on a side note, I attempted to use a Western Union to wire some money back to the states to my seester (the local accent is taking hold)  They laughed at me and said they don’t know how to send money out of the country.

lots to report….


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hiding in the open

Comments (4)

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  1. Donviti,

    Michael Moore would be proud of you!

  2. Disbelief says:

    I like the way Brits use the word ‘hospital’ without an article.

    “I just left Hospital.”


    “I’m going to Hospital.”

    Just me.

  3. jason330 says:


  4. liberalgeek says:

    Did you learn that in University?