How the Republicans will win the White House and take back Congress

Filed in National by on June 19, 2007


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (15)

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  1. Disbelief says:

    I don’t care who you are. That’s funny. Jesus holding a baby Burrissaurus.

  2. Chris says:

    And once again exposing Jason’s INTENSE HATE for anything remotely religious.

    Such a typical, wonderful, understanding liberal……well…certainly typical.

  3. Disbelief says:


    We’re showing you the LOVE. We understand that the GOP will pervert any of their espoused yet loosely held beliefs based on the ends-justifying-the-means theory that it might get one more vote. After all, that’s what the Grand Ol’ Party is about, right? Screw what people believe; just get more votes. Somehow, getting more votes justifies everything.

  4. jason330 says:

    Lighten up Chris. You know that is funny.


  5. Burrissaurus…Lol!

    Is papa Burrissaurus lurking nearby?
    [snaps head around to look over shoulder]

  6. FSP says:

    Nancy — In the wise words of Donovan McNabb: “Keep my name out of your mouth and keep my family’s name out of your mouth.”


  7. Joe M says:

    This is now making the rounds through my office. Thanks, Jason!

  8. Von Cracker says:

    My religion is bashing other religions, for the true god is Don Rickles. So have some damn RESPECT for my religious ways!

    BTW – From my religion, I hold the Rickles-given right to bash straight people, women who carry to full-term, and the Mets. If you don’t like it, well, vote liberal.


  9. jason330 says:

    Thanks Joe. Jesus’s General get the credit.

  10. Disbelief says:

    I have a problem with your religion making fun of the Mets. You are obviously not true believers. In order to prove that we are the true believers in the word of God to love all, we will now procede to torture and kill all members of your blasphemous sect. Peace.

  11. Dorian Gray says:

    Fantastic photo. I want that as the wallpaper on my mobile phone.

    ‘There is something feeble and contemptible about a man who cannot face life without the help of comfortable myths.’

    -Bertrand Russell

  12. Wash that mouth out with soap!

    You got me thinking of the Buris family name, Dave.

    So I just called papa Burris’lobby firm to ask what on earth he does lobby for down in Dover since he has himself as his main client. I left a detailed message. Hope he returns the call.

    The people deserve to know how the powerful Burris family spends their influences at Leg Hall.

  13. Hube thinks Dave has to put out a restraining order on me!
    let me reiterate:
    I called the Burris Firm today too.
    I am writing a series of posts about the lobbying industry.
    Especially worrisome are the former legis who now lobby former friends in office.
    I figured I’d start with Dave’s dad. I have left messages inquiring whether they would be willing to provide a listing of clients they are representing as lobbyists in Dover.
    Dave’s dad has himself as his main client….in the interest of public right to know what is going on in Dover as far as special interests, perhaps he will cooperate, perhaps not.
    Certainly he has nothing to hide, no?

    There are currently approximately ten former legis who lobby in Dover. Last night at the CLNCC meeting, I found out that Roger Roy has been hired by the firm that may well be poised to gain the contract if we decide to sell/lease a toll road.

    Roger Roy is also mentioned by the WNJ has working for the Burris Firm
    “Although several ex-lawmakers have made the jump to lobbyist, John Flaherty, a lobbyist for Common Cause of Delaware, said the buzz for the current bill started when former Rep. Roger P. Roy came back as a lobbyist six months after his retirement. Roy registered for this year as a lobbyist for outdoor advertisers with the Burris Firm.

    Surely there is nothing wrong with trying to figure out who is pressuring who to pass privatization of our infrastructure.
    Surely lobbying initiatives should be totally transparent to the average Joe.

  14. FSP says:

    And I have told my father to stay as far away from you as is humanly possible.

  15. *sigh*
    I’ll put a call in to Roger Roy and see what he has to say.