Updated: Iowa Electronic Markets Leaders & Losers
UPDATE: It should be interesting to see Rudy’s graph tank over the next few days as the story below hits the street.
Since the Iowa electronic markets depend on informed observers who are hoping to make a profit they have been more accurate that random sample polling. So what are the investors saying?
On the Dem side, Clinton is still clearly the front runner. The fact that Obama is floundering is surprising to me.
The Republicans are more interesting. That red line dropping off of a cliff is the “Rest of Field” line that was leading by a large margin. It dropped when they added a Fred Thompson contract as a investment option. So it is Thompson (without even trying) who is the shot caller on the GOP side.
So – bottom line: Fipp Romney and Barack Obama. They sound good on TV to their fan base, but are not turning that into widespread support right now.
Breaking: RUDY! America’s Loafer
Newsday …
Rudolph Giuliani’s membership on an elite Iraq study panel came to an abrupt end last spring after he failed to show up for a single official meeting of the group, causing the panel’s top Republican to give him a stark choice: either attend the meetings or quit, several sources said.
Giuliani left the Iraq Study Group last May after just two months, walking away from a chance to make up for his lack of foreign policy credentials on the top issue in the 2008 race, the Iraq war.He cited “previous time commitments” in a letter explaining his decision to quit, and a look at his schedule suggests why — the sessions at times conflicted with Giuliani’s lucrative speaking tour that garnered him $11.4 million in 14 months.
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