Can we please dispense with the fantasy that it is Oberle’s “wife’s” business

Filed in National by on June 20, 2007

As usual the NJ bends over backwards to kiss a Republican’s ass
while burying the lead in the last paragraph.

Blue Hen also sold more than $1.3 million in merchandise to state and local government agencies during the past decade.

Just a coincidence folks…nothing to see here, move along, move along.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. Ryan S. says:

    Right, because women are too stupid and emotional to own businesses…

  2. jason330 says:

    Ryan, admit it. You’d be going ballistic about this if Oberle had a “D” next to his name.

  3. an0nym00se says:

    A decade’s a long time. The Carper and Minner administrations have pissed away a LOT more money than that to foreign nationals over the past ten years. That ought to be a bigger story than someone whose family does business with the state holding an elected office.

  4. Ryan S. says:

    Tip O’Neill was famous for saying “All politics is local.” But on top of that, all politics is corrupt. Regardless of partisanship.

  5. jason330 says:

    Dear Wing-nuts,

    I want to save you a bit of time in your busy days full of listening to Limbaugh and grumbleing about Mexicans.

    So next time you reply to a post – if your response is going to be “But Democrats are also bad” just type.

    BDAAB – this will save you a bunch of keystrokes and you can get back to your pretending that Bush is a great President a lot more quickly.


  6. an0nym00se says:

    Ryan, admit it. You’d be going ballistic about this if Oberle had a “D” next to his name.

    And you’d be defending it. Before you get back to foaming at the mouth for an anonymous socialist Kos diarist, maybe you should consider that nearly every non-Castle post you make could be considered B.R.A.A.B.

  7. jason330 says:

    I like to think that I hold myself to a slightly higher standard of argumentation and debate.

    However, I guess it si possible that I go BRAAB once in a while. Anyway – I’ll be more aware of it now and less likely to substitute that for a reasoned argument.

  8. Hube says:

    I like to think that I hold myself to a slightly higher standard of argumentation and debate.

    But that’s just it — YOU DON’T. #6 moose is absolutely correct. And it’s also laughable when you rip others for asking “Well, what about when the Dems …” when you engage in precisely the same thing against the GOP!

  9. jason330 says:

    Really? I honestly can’t think of a time when I did that – but you guys seem so adamant about it – I guess I did.

  10. Ryan S. says:

    And I never said anything about Oberle specifically. I was just calling you sexist initially.

    I haven’t been following the issue enough to issue an opinion on it, but it doesn’t surprise me when a politician (or either party) turns out to be corrupt.

  11. jason330 says:

    Anyway, back to the main topic. The usage “Oberle’s wife’s business” is a crock.

    He profits to the tune of $130,000 per year and just happens to control a huge state government funding apparatus.

    Does anyone have anything to say about that other than BDAAB?

    Okay then.

  12. an0nym00se says:

    First of all, his wife’s business, from which he presumably makes income – as do others, I’d imagine, sells an average of $130,000 worth of merchandise. That’s a far cry from “(h)e profits to the tune of $130,000 per year…”

    This reminds me of the Simpsons episode where the children find Principal Skinner’s W-2s.

    Nelson Skinner gets paid $25,000 a year.
    Bart: Let’s see, he’s 40 years old…wow, he’s a millionaire!
    Skinner: I wasn’t a principal when I was one!
    Milhouse: And in the summer, he paints houses. He’s a billionaire!
    Skinner: If I was a billionaire, why would I still be living with my mother?

    Nancy: Blue Hen’s done over a million dollars in business with the state… Oberle’s a millionaire!

    Jason: And he’s a Republican legislator… he’s corrupt!

    Oberle: If I was corrupt, why wouldn’t I have your legs broken?

  13. jason330 says:

    You know Moose, you have a point.

    I guess a little corruption is not so bad. He probable makes about a 60% margin on the crap they sell so that’s only a measly $78,000 per year.

    Why shouldnl’t elected officials get a little bite at the apple once in a while? More power to him.