Delaware Liberal

The Digby Manifesto

Upon receiving an award at the take back America conference, Digby gave a spot on speech that reads like a kind of liberal blogger manifesto.

We may argue about tactics and strategies, or the extent to which we are partisans versus ideologues. And believe me, we do.

But there’s no disagreement among us that the modern conservative movement of Newt and Grover and Karl and Rush has proven to be a dangerous cultural and political cancer on the body politic.

You will not find anyone amongst us who believes that the Bush administration’s executive power grab and flagrant partisan use of the federal government is anything less than an assault on the Constitution.

We stand together against the dissolution of habeas corpus, and the atoricities of Abu Grahib and Guantanamo.

And we all agree that Islamic terrorism is a threat, but one that we cannot meet with military power alone.

And yes, a vast majority of us were against this mindless invasion of Iraq from the beginning, or at least saw the writing on the wall long before Peggy Noonan discovered that George W. Bush wasn’t the seocnd coming of Winston Churchill.

Sadly, we also all agree that the mainstream media is part of the problem. Democracy suffers when not being held accountable by a vigorous press.

If you wingnuts want to know what I’m so angry about and why I’m always going on about Mike Castle’s perfidy – there you have it.

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