Gutless Pussies – Pardon my French

Filed in National by on June 21, 2007

FSP links to a poll that shows “Congress” in unpopular.

My response: No shit.

The American public can tolerate having differences of opinion with elected officials, but they can’t tolerate elected officials who are gutless pussies.

Why Harry Reid and Tom Carper don’t  get that I can’t say.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    You’ll find throughout the country that people are dissatisfied with Congress, as a whole. But when you ask the same people about their individual Congressperson, they paradoxically say: “Oh, well I happy with him/her.”

  2. Whackjob FSP commenter WH thinks this is a vulgar blog. Of course he is fully comfortable with all of the dead and maimed US soldiers, Iraqi civilians et al.
    Rightwingfuck moral relativity fucking makes me want to curse again.

  3. FSP says:

    Don’t mind Nancy.

    She’s a little upset since being exposed as a complete fraud.

  4. She’s a little upset since being exposed as a complete fraud.
    FSP I don’t need to bite, your apple has rotted on the branch

  5. O.M.G.

    WH comment samples:
    John See delawareliberal for my full response”

    Wow self promoting your blog. thats capatlism.

    I have seen your filthy site, it is vulgar.

    and filled with hate .

    This is what you teach your kids?

    Also I recommend no visit his hate mongering site.

    Why don’t you import Arabs to secure our airlines. Oh you already have.

    From Nancy Willing post on Delaware lib

    “Whackjob FSP commenter WH thinks this is a vulgar blog. Of course he is fully comfortable with all of the dead and maimed US soldiers, Iraqi civilians et al.
    Rightwingfuck moral relativity fucking makes me want to curse again.”

    No I guess the libs are not fulgar and filled with hate.

    Again normal people why would you visit Del lib or Del way.

    Real sick people.
    Dave’s reply to nancy:

    Don’t mind Nancy.

    She’s a little upset since being exposed as a complete fraud.
    Wow Dave what does that mean
    Sorry dave got the meaning. Just upset right now.
    The filth that comes out of there mouth is enough to upset me.

    Sorry Dave,

    I accidentally was link to Jason’s site, and got confused.

    I really don’t go to his stupid site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am sure not many people do either!


  6. Jason provides the sauce:
    I have seen your filthy site, it is vulgar. and filled with hate.

    Sorry to defile your pure wholesome eyes and you Tabula rasa brain. When you can direct 1/20th of the outrage you direct at my vulgarity at George Bush’s vulgarity I’ll have made some progress.

    Also I recommend no visit his hate mongering site.

    May your boycott be as fruitfull as the Souther Baptist boycott of Disneyland.

  7. OPPS ! I meant to copy this one:

    I find it interesting that you head for the fainting couch when someone types a bad word – but have an iron stomach for every obscene act that Bush can dream up.

    I guess the adage is true. For Republicans, words are more powerful than actions.

  8. dh says:

    Providing that link initially, rather than going off on a long comment-posting tirade, would have sufficed. Whackjob.

  9. Von Cracker says:

    WH: “Stupid site”

    Ha! Sounds like a slam my 7-year-old nieces would make!

    “Stupid, stupid, stupid!”
    “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!”


    WH better keep that hate-mongering comment to herself, lest we document the laundry-list of hate-mongering the GOP harbors….

    And dh, what’s up? Don’t like to read? Got a problem with the written word, do ya? Sorry, you must be a conservative, anti-intellectual. “Books and posts over 100 words are bad, whaa, whaa!”

    Why don’t you take your hall-monitoring ways and……. 🙂

    We mock you because your ideas and methods of politics and governance deserve it!

  10. Joe M says:

    This really shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone. This report only shows that the folks who thought that the Dems taking control of Congress would make no difference were correct.

    This is exactly what happens when people vote R or D without examining who the candidates really are. People voted partisan and elected partisans. It’s their complete lack of vision that prevented any improvement in our country in the last election.

    And guess what? It’s going to happen again in ’08.

  11. Providing that link initially, rather than going off on a long comment-posting tirade, would have sufficed. Whackjob.


    darling rightwing flower:

    In my experience, linked posts have a way of getting deleted.
    I wouldn’t want the record to suffer any unfortold gaps.

    /keepin’ it real

  12. Anon says:

    Nancy Willing = “When Keepin’ it Real Goes Wrong” .

  13. r smitty says:

    Holy crap! This back and forth o/t shit is annoyingly old! Get over it already. The passive-aggressive copy-pasting arguments…sort of like fighting through a third party…like…OMG…sh-yeah…gag me…so stooopid.

    Keep it real? Please do!

    On to a serious comment:
    See, Jason? I told you there was a reason for my Clowny Reid avatar!

    Now that is a mature comment…now look at my avatar.

  14. Keep it real? Please do!

    at risk of letting my cranky self piss you off any further, you do have the option of not reading pissing matches

    too simply add your piss to the mix? classy.

    when GOPerheads tell people to piss off on someone else’s blog it tends to get old immediately