A very scary quote about Guiliani by Fred Kaplan

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 22, 2007

The fact is, Giuliani has no idea what he’s talking about. On the campaign trail he says that the terrorist threat “is something I understand better than anyone else running for president.” As the mayor of New York City on Sept. 11, 2001, he may have lived more intimately with the consequences of terrorism, but this has no bearing on his inexperience or his scant insight in the realm of foreign policy.

He is, in fact, that most dangerous would-be world leader: a man who doesn’t seem to know how much he doesn’t know. 

I don’t know about you, but short of calling him George Bush that is a scary assessment…


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hiding in the open

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  1. Duffy says:

    You may want to edit this post, it’s not entirely clear where the quote starts and ends. YMMV.

  2. oedipa maas says:

    Rudy employs his best friend and accused child molester as a consultant. Did I mention the best friend is a Catholic priest? (This link is to Salon where you may have to click thru an ad.)

    Loyalty to your friends is cool, but this is not going to burnish his “Family Values” cred.

  3. Duffy says:

    So accusations = guilt?

    I seem to remember a story about lacrosse players down south somewhere…

  4. oedipa maas says:

    The padre is accused by a Grand Jury of sexually molesting children and has been suspended of his duties by his Diocese.

    Certainly I did not say the man was guilty and nor does the article, but retreating to arguments that have not been made does not wave away the fact the Rudy’s judgment of close advisors leaves something to be desired. I seem to remember many stories about Bernie Kerik (you remember him, the almost Secretary of Homeland Security?) and his thuggish behavior which has kept him in hot water since.

    Nonetheless, given the incredibly visceral reaction that most folks have to folks accused of or convicted of child molestation, you have to wonder about Rudy’s political judgments here, especially since he is workin’ so hard at his More-Wingnut-Than-Thou cred.

    But then, this does not matter much, since I’d bet serious money that any Dem candidate hanging with someone with this kind of sword over his head would be getting a full-throated condemnation of whatever behavior the friend was just accused of.

  5. a julie annie SC staffer just got busted for SELLING COCAINE, WHEW and the right complained endlessly about Edwards hiring of bloggers with dirty mouths.