Delaware Liberal

New media watchdog feature: Props and Flops

In the spirit of Stephen Colbert’s “Tip of the Hat/Wag of the Finger” I’ll be comparing and contrasting instances of Delaware’s crappy msm journalism with instances of Delaware’s even more crappy msm journalism. Volume 1 Number 1…here we go

Props to NJ Blogger Ryan comier for this observation:

“Oh man, I wish I could go back in time. I’d take state.” | 6/15/2007 01:38:00 PM

If Uncle Rico from “Napoleon Dynamite” cleaned himself up and ran for governor, he would look just like Lt. Gov. John Carney.

I’m just sayin’.

Flop = Frank Gerace filling in for Loudell

Wdel’s Gerace is a freaking idiot.

When driving home from work last night I heard abject moron Frank Gerace ask this question during drive time yesterday,

“Don’t you think the unpopularity of Congress is also due to the Alberto Gonzales hearings and the fact that no crime was committed, but the Democrats were playing ‘Gotcha’?”

Holy crap, I nearly drove off the road. There is so much wrong with that “question” (which is not a question) I have to pick only one item.

If the DOJ used political criteria to hire and fire, then a crime WAS committed you moron. Don’t simple take everything you hear on the Laura Ingram show at face value you idiot!!

Allan Loudell must never take time off.

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