Bruce Ennis Vs. Giovanni Feroce in the 14th SD Special Preview

Filed in National by on June 24, 2007

This race promise to be full of sound an furry signifying nothing.

I’m not sure how the Dems go about picking the candidate for a Senate District Special election (the 14th SD covers the 8th and 9th RD’s), but the “who” is pretty clear. Picking Bruce Ennis, who has been in the wings for a while now, will be greeted with jeers from those Democrats who see this as an opportunity to drag Smyrna/MOT into the 20th century – but lacking any serious internal competition, party tradition will carry the day. Which means, given the party line voting habits in the district, Ennis will beat Giovanni Feroce.

That is not to say that the Republican will not try to peel off some liberal Democrats and newcomers with a reform message. Sure he’ll try – but it won’t work. The hurried up special election context will not give Feroce much of an opportunity to win over a district that has proven that they would rather vote for an incapacitated Democrat than a fully capacitated Republican.

Prediction: Democrats hold the seat.

View This Mike Mathews Classic:

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. You know something we don’t? Has Vaughn finally croaked? And, I can’t see the MM classic. Is it my video interviewing Feroce and Allsopp?

  2. jason330 says:

    The video is you asking if, when Vaughn dies, can the bills he has stashed in his desk drawer get burried with him.

    I should have link to today’s NJ “Dialogue Dealware” that prompted the post. But I bought the print edition.

    The subhead is: Senate’s leader’s aren’t banking on return of Judiciary chairman.

  3. Joe M says:

    That was a classic moment in 2006!