I was wondering

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 25, 2007

Lets say you are serving your country in Iraq, you know fighting them over there so they don’t come over here type scenario, would you rather:

  1. Have your legs blown off 
  2. Have your arms blown off
  3. Have your face blown off
  4. Or just be killed

This is all hypothetically speaking of course. 

 I was asking because the
50000 or so men and women that have had this happen, didn’t get to choose. 

hypothetical in the sense that you would get to choose what you want blown off, not the 50000 men and women part


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  1. University Update - Iraq - I was wondering | June 25, 2007
  1. David says:

    Legs, hands down. 🙂

  2. Rebecca says:


    Just weeping at the thought. 50,000 OMG!

  3. donviti says:

    reality bites


    pun intended?

  4. Mike Protack says:

    Here are the accurate numbers. The totals are not anywhere near 50,000.

    The amputee totals are much lower.

    Fatality Details
    US Casualties
    About This Site

    Wounded by state data based on information released by the DoD. This data is updated monthly

    State Wounded Deaths Total
    ALABAMA 427 58 485
    ALASKA 92 15 107
    AMERICAN SAMOA 35 6 41
    ARIZONA 551 87 638
    ARKANSAS 376 46 422
    CALIFORNIA 2672 375 3047
    COLORADO 419 49 468
    CONNECTICUT 210 26 236
    DELAWARE 40 13 53
    FLORIDA 1147 143 1290
    GEORGIA 735 105 840
    GUAM 20 6 26
    HAWAII 106 18 124
    IDAHO 230 27 257
    ILLINOIS 952 128 1080
    INDIANA 534 76 610
    IOWA 291 43 334
    KANSAS 320 38 358
    KENTUCKY 411 60 471
    LOUISIANA 512 74 586
    MAINE 173 18 191
    MARYLAND 360 67 427
    MASSACHUSETTS 414 57 471
    MICHIGAN 811 136 947
    MINNESOTA 433 54 487
    MISSISSIPPI 231 45 276
    MISSOURI 586 62 648
    MONTANA 192 19 211
    NEBRASKA 194 40 234
    NEVADA 158 30 188
    NEW HAMPSHIRE 160 19 179
    NEW JERSEY 391 62 453
    NEW MEXICO 228 29 257
    NEW YORK 1198 154 1352
    NORTH CAROLINA 663 84 747
    NORTH DAKOTA 77 14 91
    OHIO 1056 152 1208
    OKLAHOMA 409 55 464
    OREGON 409 56 465
    PENNSYLVANIA 1109 168 1277
    PUERTO RICO 165 29 194
    RHODE ISLAND 97 11 108
    SOUTH CAROLINA 313 47 360
    SOUTH DAKOTA 102 17 119
    TENNESSEE 506 76 582
    TEXAS 2425 323 2748
    UTAH 207 19 226
    VERMONT 90 18 108
    VIRGINIA 594 99 693
    WASHINGTON 752 73 825
    WEST VIRGINIA 171 19 190
    WISCONSIN 486 74 560
    WYOMING 81 11 92

    wounded deaths total
    25349 3543 28892

  5. donviti says:

    just going by what the article said, I’m sure not all of the 50k are amputees, but the point was to illustrate how many injured.

    and even if it is 25000+ that is still a hell of a lot of people injured for the rest of their lives….payed by our taxes too boot.

  6. Mike Protack says:

    The point is this- your numbers are incorrect. There have not been 50,000 wounded.

    Your views will have more credibility if your numbers are accurate.

  7. donviti says:

    They aren’t my numbers dude, they are from the Denver post bra.

    Depending on how you count them, they number between 35,000 and 53,000.

    As of June 2, 25,830 troops had been wounded in action. Of these, 7,675 needed airlifts to military hospitals and the rest were treated and remained in Iraq.

    There were another 27,103 non-battle-related air transports. Of those, 7,188 had injuries

    now use your ability to add please

    or feel free to read the article.

    did you run for office in delaware? Christ, thank god you didnt’ get elected.

    and then to appease you I even had said:

    and even if it is 25000+ that is still a hell of a lot of people injured for the rest of their lives….

    so if you read the article you will see that my 25000 number is correct.

    now beat it.