Delaware Liberal

John Still; a menace, bigot and more.

Mike at DWA is in top form Re John Still:

This man is a menace and a bigot, to say the least. Yes, I’m saying what I and many others believe (several of those people with whom I spoke on Thursday at Leg. Hall): Sen. John Still is a bigot. One need look no further than these words published by the Cape Gazette several years ago:

“I suspect many individuals are exasperated with the whining, hysterical Malcontents who dominate today’s gay lobby. The radical gays and lesbians are unhappy with the truth that homosexuality is not accepted by the heterosexual majority who are obeying the dictates not of a bigoted society or religion but of a tolerant, God fearing and loving society,” said Still. “In my judgment, it is proper to discriminate between supportive versus destructive behaviorsCape Gazette: 3.29.05)

He says it RIGHT THERE. Let’s break it down, piece by muthaeffin’ piece:

  • Still says: “In my judgment”
  • I say: As a God-fearing Christian, who the fuck are you to judge? Isn’t that YOUR GOD’S job?
  • Still says: “…it is proper to discriminate between supportive and destructive behaviors.”
  • I say: No, you fucking moron. It is proper to discriminate against lesser quality merlots and inappropriately aged parmesan cheese. Not individuals who are tax-paying, living, breathing citizens of our society.

Wow. Someone needs to run against this guy. And quick. Or I’ll be relocating to a Dover postal code real soon.

On quibble. Mike forgot to call him a  “grandstanding douchbag”.

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