John Still; a menace, bigot and more.

Filed in National by on June 25, 2007

Mike at DWA is in top form Re John Still:

This man is a menace and a bigot, to say the least. Yes, I’m saying what I and many others believe (several of those people with whom I spoke on Thursday at Leg. Hall): Sen. John Still is a bigot. One need look no further than these words published by the Cape Gazette several years ago:

“I suspect many individuals are exasperated with the whining, hysterical Malcontents who dominate today’s gay lobby. The radical gays and lesbians are unhappy with the truth that homosexuality is not accepted by the heterosexual majority who are obeying the dictates not of a bigoted society or religion but of a tolerant, God fearing and loving society,” said Still. “In my judgment, it is proper to discriminate between supportive versus destructive behaviorsCape Gazette: 3.29.05)

He says it RIGHT THERE. Let’s break it down, piece by muthaeffin’ piece:

  • Still says: “In my judgment”
  • I say: As a God-fearing Christian, who the fuck are you to judge? Isn’t that YOUR GOD’S job?
  • Still says: “…it is proper to discriminate between supportive and destructive behaviors.”
  • I say: No, you fucking moron. It is proper to discriminate against lesser quality merlots and inappropriately aged parmesan cheese. Not individuals who are tax-paying, living, breathing citizens of our society.

Wow. Someone needs to run against this guy. And quick. Or I’ll be relocating to a Dover postal code real soon.

On quibble. Mike forgot to call him a  “grandstanding douchbag”.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (25)

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  1. Hube says:

    Um, that’s “douchebag.”

  2. jason330 says:


  3. Duffy says:

    Two questions:

    1. Is it always improper for people to judge others?

    2. Why is it improper to discriminate between proper and improper behavior?

  4. Duffy,

    It depends on what you *think* is proper and improper behavior.

  5. jason330 says:


    Face it: it is proper to discriminate between supportive versus destructive behaviors”

    Is code (and not very subtle code) for “it is okay to hate on gays and fire them if they happen to work for you.”

  6. Duffy says:


    So….who gets to determine whether I’m “thinking correctly”? Some parents may not think giving kids alcohol or handguns are a bad idea, I do. Am I thinking correctly or are they?


    I think you’re misrepresenting his point. His point was that there are radical elements of the gay lobby that encourage people toward irresponsible behavior. Rather, I think he’s looking for people who are in long term monogamous relationships have stable jobs etc. to be representative of the gay lobby rather than the more extreme elements.

  7. Duffy,

    Truth be told I don’t give a damn what you think is “correct.” Because that’s not what the debate is about. The debate is about John Still’s contempt for all citizens to have equal rights under the law. I *think* escargots, blue cheese, and frog’s legs are freakin’ awesome. I *think* baby seals should be spared in an individual’s conquest for a perfect jacket.

    But who cares? I only want life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans. You seem to be more interested in attaching qualifiers.

  8. jason330 says:

    radical elements of the gay lobby that encourage people toward irresponsible behavior.

    You make it sound as if everyone would be responsible if not for the pernicious work of “radicals”

    Duffy – the human heart is “radical” it does not need to be radicalized. Just ask Rudy Guliani or Newt Gingrich.

  9. donviti says:

    I say: No, you fucking moron. It is proper to discriminate against lesser quality merlots and inappropriately aged parmesan cheese.

    HERE HERE!!!

    but may I discriminate further and tell you to skip Merlots altogether.

    and for the cheese nothing worse than bad cheese.

  10. Disbelief says:

    Neither poor quality merlots or parmesan is as bad as cheap balsamic vineagar. And like Still, cheap vineagar erodes tooth enamel and causes flatulence.

  11. Von Cracker says:

    Funny that this guy, Still, just pulls “Facts” out of his ass…

    “The radical gays and lesbians are unhappy with the truth that homosexuality is not accepted by the heterosexual majority who are obeying the dictates not of a bigoted society or religion but of a tolerant, God fearing and loving society,” said Still.”

    Well, his premise doesn’t support the real FACTS…

    (Scroll down about half-way)

    There’s some other ‘eye-opening’, GOP myth-busting info in the report. So use it, reference it, and shove it in there faces…

    BTW – I fear no god; I fear losing the respect and love of family and friends.

  12. Von Cracker says:

    Sorry, should be: “their faces”, not there. I hate messing up like that!

  13. Tyler Nixon says:

    “GOP myth-busting info in the report”

    I am sorry to rain on this parade, but what party has introduced, passed and sent the anti-discrinination bill year after year to the Delaware Senate?

    What party is the long-dedicated sponsor, Rep. Bill Oberle, from?

    And what is the party of the leadership who have killed the bill in the Senate year after year?

    Both parties have their share of bigots, at least in Delaware. John Still is a pretty heinous one but this is hardly a GOP thing. Democrats Thurman Adams and Nancy Cook are the powers who killed SB 141.

    On John Still, this man represents the absolute worst of the Delaware GOP and I have openly denounced his conduct and views.

    Over two years ago I was “instructed” by certain GOP party contollers that Still was critical to my getting party support for the 1st Senate bid I was organizing.

    I confess it was lost on me how a reactionary Kent County Republican, who barely won back his own seat 6 months earlier, was “critical” to electing a libertarian Republican in 80% Democratic Wilmington against a 30-year incumbent Democratic Senate Majority Leader.

    Nevertheless I obliged, or at least attempted to. Within a few days of my first emails to Still in June 2005, I received a homophobic tirade in a mass email he sent to many prominent people, railing against Kraft Corp’s “proudly supporting the Gay Games”.

    My immediate reaction was, first, who the hell cares, and, second, what business is this of Still’s anyway?

    Immediately I realized that Still’s priorities were wildly divergent from my own as both a citizen and prospective public servant. Not only did I not want Still’s support or “blessing”, at that point, but decided I would never be associated with this person. The rest of the 1st SD race is history.

    Getting back to my original protest about making this a GOP thing, I would be just as happy to see John Still replaced by a progressive Democrat as I would to see Thurman Adams bumped for a progressive Republican, like Bill Oberle.

    We are not fighting one party or the other when it comes to civil rights in Delaware. We are fighting backwards elements in both.

  14. Whew, as usual Tyler SCORES!!

    here is another Delaware discussion on the subject:

  15. David says:

    “I suspect many individuals are exasperated with the whining, hysterical Malcontents who dominate today’s wine-drinking lobby. The radical whinos are unhappy with the truth that wine is not accepted by the beer-drinking majority who are obeying the dictates not of a bigoted society or religion but of a tolerant, God fearing and loving society,” said Still. “In my judgment, it is proper to discriminate between supportive versus destructive behaviors.”

  16. Von Cracker says:

    You’re not raining on the parade, because everyone here knows I was referring to the GOP as it is nationwide. It’s obvious that Still is on board with the extreme national GOP message, which was refuted by statistically significant research, compiled over 20 years.

    As it pertains to your assertion that there are bigots in both parties, well, of course! I made a comment a while ago which applies to your statement….

    There are bigots on both sides, but only the GOP use bigots as a voting block, as part of their base, and will go to the well when needed. Remember the Harold Ford commercial in which the white girl suggested she hung out with him at the Playboy (Sex) mansion and whispered “Call me”?

    Well if that wasn’t a racist and bigoted call-to-arms, I don’t know what is….

    I just find it funny how progressive republicans were once called traditional!

  17. Von Cracker says:

    Tyler, just so you understand, I’m glad to hear that some local & state republicans consider anti-discrimination legislation important. Good for them; they understand equal rights will only raise this country up.

    Conversely, if there are DE democrats who vote against such legislation (unless there are some sort of attachments that kills the bill), they should be voted out next time around.

  18. Ryan S. says:

    Gotta love anti-discrimination legislation!

    America: Where freedom is just a bumper sticker.

  19. David says:

    America: Where freedom is just a bumper sticker.

    Till the government allows bumper stickers.

  20. David says:

    Oops. Strike Allows make Outlaws. Damn, doesn’t have the same effect.

    Guess it’s time to kick the dog.

  21. Duffy says:


    You’re confusing and conflating disparate impact and equality under the law. As far as I can tell, he didn’t make any case either way for or against gay marriage. Rather, he wants new leadership for the “gay lobby”. He believes the current crop of leaders are hysterical and leading people toward negative ends. That’s a far cry from “I hate fags”.


    It’s not about desire but behavior. The two are vastly different. People should be judged by behaviors more than their desires. “The head rules the stomach through the heart” as Chesterton said.

  22. jason330 says:

    Quoting Chesterton – that’s a yellow card for my man.


  23. Ryan S. says:

    Afraid of Chesterton, are we?

  24. anon says:

    “Rather, he wants new leadership for the “gay lobby”.”

    Does he feel poorly represented?

  25. Duffy says:

    Jason: Yellow card? Why so?

    Anon: Nice one!