Now this is great stuff!

Filed in National by on June 25, 2007

Chairman Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) plans to introduce an amendment to the the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill to cut funding for Cheney’s office. The amendment to the bill that sets the funding for the executive branch will be considered next week in the House of Representatives.

 Following Vice President Dick Cheney’s assertion that his office is not a part of the executive branch of the US government

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hiding in the open

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    This is a nice strategy. Of course, the executive branch will just make up the difference by taking the money out of body armor funds for the troops…

  2. Joe M says:

    No, they’ll take away funding from the hospitals for returning soldiers.

  3. donviti says:

    I was personally thinking that they would be taking away money for the levee’s in Nola….

  4. Duffy says:

    Serious question:

    Did anyone ask Cheney precisely which branch his office does belong to?

  5. donviti says:

    yes, they tried and he didn’t answer.

    He (his spokesperson) tried to say that he doesn’t belong to the Executive branch because he is the president of Congress.

  6. Dorian Gray says:

    Luckily he’s just the president of the Senate rather than all of Congress. 🙂

    It’s indeed the dumbest argument ever. By that logic I guess the president is part of the judicial branch because he appoints federal judges.

  7. Dorian Gray says:

    Also – I have a serious question for the conservatives here (Duffy, etc.). Although we disagree on most issues, can we all agree now the Dick Cheney has completely lost his mind. I mean are we all on the same page here?

  8. anon says:

    No, Cheney will find other funding to keep his office open, and then his lawyers will argue “By withholding funding, Congress has confirmed OVP is not part of the Executive Branch.”

  9. donviti says:

    I just saw on Chris Matthews tonight that they said Cheney will get away with it…his office is appointed by Bush and whatever he says, goes.

    but, he said it will be interesting to see constitutionally how it goess.

  10. Mike Protack says:

    I am so glad the Congress is wrestling with the serious issues of the day.

    I mean health care costs and access is super and you know gas prices could not be more affordable. Not to mention the long term viability of social security or Medicare.

  11. liberalgeek says:


    You are crazy.

    The issue here is whether the OVP is held accountable for the handling of classified information by Congress or the President. Cheney has claimed some sort of Guantanamo-esque no mans land of legality in the government. You don’t think that spending time figuring this out is worthy of Congress?

    Honestly, this is the only thing I expected would come out of the last election. With the power of the veto and the unwillingness of this President to compromise, this is the best that we can hope for, stagnation and investigation.

    For you to spew BS about how they should be doing better things with their time is either heckling or a pathetic attempt to change the subject.

  12. Duffy says:


    I don’t consider myself conservative. I’m politically homeless.

    However, Cheney has not lost his mind. He is simply arrogant to a degree that is breathtaking. He’s very smart and also very shrewd. I’m guessing he’s trying to lump himself in with Congress to make his rules and theirs congruent. That is, if he has to give up the family jewels, they do too. I’m not sure how or why this benefits him. He is obsessed with secrecy. Far beyond his predecessors and that’s saying something considering 41 was Director of the CIA!

    As uncomfortable as I am with the expansion in spending, the arrogation of power by the Executive branch is not good. Imagine how conservatives are going to react when such power is in the hands of Hillary or whomever.

    Viz. Mr. Protack’s comments: Do not feed the trolls.

  13. donviti says:

    very interesting duffy….in a wierd way he could be trying to limit the power of congress or look at it the other way, increase the power of the President.


    the things he does now he wants to continue on beyond his stay though, so I can see him wanting to empower the Pres and limit the Congress