Delaware Liberal

UPDATED: Great! This is the best possible outcome for the HB177 dustup

Dana writes…

As of yesterday, HB 177, the anti-fusion candidacy bill, was dead. Speaker Terry Spence worked to keep it off the agenda. Delaware Watch learned over 2 hours ago that the bill has been placed back on the agenda and is expected to pass.

Not long afterwards, Delaware Watch learned that a group of 20 citizens opposed to the anti-fusion bill has pledged to cause primary races “for the significant Delaware offices” open in 2008. Those offices will include leadership positions in the Delaware Legislature. According to my source, who wishes to remain anonymous, “If the Democrats and Republicans want to play hardball with our voters rights, we will primary them to death.”

There is no way to deny that this is fantastic news. It is the very outcome that I’ve dared to dream of from the begining. Busting out of the self imposed isolation of third party irrelevancy, a bunch of activists are threatening to shake things up.

Awesome! This is long overdue.

UPDATE: If it is true that the Fusionites are going to become Fission-ites we’ll have some real democracy going on around here and the twists and turns could be dizzying for instance…

Consider what would happen if Dana Garrett decided to primary his sitting State Rep.

He would ace the PDD endorsement questionnaire based process that John Tobin set up and get endorsed by the very organization that he and others an evil blot on our Democracy.

As I said over at DelawareWatch, it would be like a brightly colored Van Gogh of irony and the result would be a more vibrant Democracy.

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