Your “liberal” media:

Filed in National by on June 26, 2007

ALERT: PBS Selects Luntz for Democratic forum analysis…

I’m sure you’ve already heard that PBS will be hosting the next Democratic presidential forum on Thursday, June 28, at Howard University in Washington, D.C. What you may not know is that PBS has invited Frank Luntz, a longtime Republican pollster and strategist, to provide “immediate public feedback on the performances of the candidates” during post-forum coverage on the Tavis Smiley program.

Of course, when Luntz’s appearance was announced, the press release made no mention of his Republican ties or long history of being criticized for his work.

I wonder if they’ll get Michael Moore to provide “immediate public feedback on the performances of the candidates” on the Republican debate? Hmmm…?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (39)

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  1. FSP says:

    You guys really can’t handle anything that’s not slanted your way, can you?

  2. jason330 says:

    IS that your real take on this? Frank Luntz? Even you have to admit that this is out of line.

  3. Ryan S. says:

    I doubt this has anything to do with ideology. Luntz’s audience tracking equipment (those little lines Burris went crazy over after the last Republican debate) is pretty well known and liked by the media.

    That’s probably what they mean by “immediate public feedback.” I doubt he’ll really be expressing his own opinion. More like “the numbers really shot up when Edwards said…” kind of stuff.

  4. I actually think this is a good idea. In fact, I would love to see the Democrats have their debate analyzed by a Republican and vice versa. The ultimate BS detectors. Luntz can dissect the Dems and James Carville can dissect the Repubs.

    Your beef is legitimate, though, Jason. I know Michelle Malkin and her fawning ilk would be all over this if Carville were to breakdown a GOP debate.

  5. jason330 says:

    I know Michelle Malkin and her fawning ilk would be all over this if Carville were to breakdown a GOP debate.

    Can you imagine the insane craziness that would be unleashed?

    I almost used Carville in the post, but he works for Senator Clinton (an item that CNN never discloses when he is on talking about “politics”.)

  6. Ryan S. says:

    I’d be all for Carville talking about the Republicans. He’s got a great political mind.

    But like I said, Luntz wasn’t chosen for ideology, but methodology.

  7. FSP says:

    Chris Matthews HOSTED a debate. Mr. Tip O’Neill/Jimmy Carter himself.

    Did the GOPers whine? No. Because they’re willing to take questions and be analyzed by anyone, anywhere.

  8. jason330 says:

    He says it as if Mathews is a liberals and not, in fact, one of the bbiggest war boosters around.

  9. Ryan S. says:

    Wolfie’s a better example…but Chris Matthews is pretty center of the road, IMO, at least as far as questioning is concerned.

  10. Von Cracker says:

    Matthews’ brother ran under the GOP ticket in PA.

    And his admission for his love of macho men and codpieces is documented and well known. Though I will say he tries to be in the center and plays devil’s advocate with both sides.

    Leslie Blitzer used to work for a conservative think tank.

  11. Ryan S. says:

    Leslie Blitzer used to work for a conservative think tank.

    Therefore Wolfie is a conservative, because women can’t think for themselves?

    See also: the liberal Mary Matlin

    And I thought the left was supposed to “empower” women.

  12. Von Cracker says:

    Whaaaat the hell are you talking about???

    I was just pointing out they all have conections that would appear to foster a bias.

    Don’t spin off the planet, Ryan!

  13. FSP says:

    I noticed y’all just glazed over this:

    “Did the GOPers whine? No. Because they’re willing to take questions and be analyzed by anyone, anywhere.”

  14. jason330 says:

    “Did the GOPers whine? No. Because they’re willing to take questions and be analyzed by anyone, anywhere.”

    anyone anywhere in our right wing dominated media evirnment is not saying anything. Hence the glaze.

  15. Ryan S. says:

    Whaaaat the hell are you talking about???

    I was just pointing out they all have conections that would appear to foster a bias.

    Don’t spin off the planet, Ryan!

    Unbiased media is a myth. Everyone has a bias, and the only problem is when it becomes monolithic.

  16. Chris says:

    “anyone anywhere in our right wing dominated media evirnment is not saying anything. Hence the glaze.”

    Analysis: Jason’s characterization of the media as “right wing dominated” can be attributed to one of two things.

    Either he sees “talk radio” as the only legit form of media, and is admitting the success of it…


    if he is referring to all forms of media, then his politics are SO FAR to the left that the media really does look right-leaning from his angle.

    Heck, even Howard Dean looks conservative…if you are Michael Moore.

  17. jason330 says:

    …as it has in the hands of the GOP over the past ten years.

    Finish your sentence on your onw next time.

  18. jason330 says:

    Hey Chris –

    I forgot to exempt the Asbury Park newspaper from my blanket condemnation.

  19. Von Cracker says:

    Ryan, oooh, copy editors, sports reporters, and movie critics. Oh My!

    The liberal media whine sounds just like the bogus war on xmas. All yelling and no evidence, just disinformation. If the actual news and informed opinion (proven correct) goes against your wants and beliefs, well maybe your logic and politics are to blame

    I’ve said it before….Editors-in-chief and producers ultimately have the final say-so.

    Again, Editors and Producers, hired by the Board, are put in place by GE, Murdoch, Disney, Gannett, et al:

    Now, getting the ‘Message’ out is the Sunday morning shows, according to the Forth Branch of Government (aka, Dick):

  20. Von Cracker says:


    What has Micheal Moore done besides making movies on the effects of GM on his hometown, on a president who lied about getting into a war (in 2003 no less), and how 9/11 first responders were denied adequate treatment for the health problems caused by doing their fucking jobs?

    Huh, what has he done????

    You got nothing. And if the truth hurts, well lock yourself in a closet.

  21. Ryan S. says:

    So if I am to believe that being hired by corporate types will reflect the supposed conservative beliefs of business types (a note: big businesses is pretty far away from being conservative anyway), how would you explain all of the lower types, hired by the editors, and their liberalness?

  22. Von Cracker says:

    “a note: big businesses is pretty far away from being conservative anyway”

    This and this alone, destroys all credibility.

    What an apologist you are!

    Read this and get back to me:

  23. Ryan S. says:

    Sorry, but I distrust most corporations almost as much as I distrust the government. Even Eisenhower knew that much. It doesn’t shock me at all.

    Corporatism /= Conservatism

  24. Von Cracker says:

    I agree with you about the distrust of both, Ryan! But just so you know, Eisenhower warned specifically about the Military Industrial Complex.

    Very prophetic….

  25. donviti says:

    I remember reading or hearing something about corporations wanting limited government and free market

    I guess I missed the class where it said conservatives were for big government and closed markets.

    good stuff Ryan

    your my hero.

  26. Ryan S. says:


    Big businesses want handouts and protection. A truly free market would force them to compete. When corporations compete, consumers usually win.

    I’m for limited government, and some businesses aren’t. Like Wal-Mart, for example. Wal-Mart would love universal health care for all of its employees paid for my Joe and Mary Taxpayer. What’s small government about that?

    Big business uses its influence to lobby for legal loopholes and corporate welfare. That’s not small government, nor is it free market.

  27. jason330 says:

    I feel like little Ryan is growing up right in front of my eyes.

  28. Chris says:

    “What has Micheal Moore done besides making movies on the effects of GM on his hometown, on a president who lied about getting into a war (in 2003 no less), and how 9/11 first responders were denied adequate treatment for the health problems caused by doing their f**king jobs?

    Huh, what has he done????”

    Created a hysteria of conspiracy theorists on the left (just look in the mirror) by distorting facts, and using movie tricks to make people appear to say or in some cases NOT say things. He will edit out anything they say that doesn’t agree with him and only clip in what further’s his agenda. He is a hack, not a true documentarian. The only reason he wins all the awards is because he says what the left craves to hear. He could make an hour long video with just the words “Bush is Bad” on the screen and win Cannes festival and probably a couple of dozen Oscars. It is so phony.
    But you all prop him up because you like what he has to say. He starts with his conclusion and scrambles to find the footage necessary to make it appear supported. Please….going to Cuba as an example of better healthcare? When we start seeing boatloads of Americans streaming in makeshift boats across the Gulf to Cuba to see a doctor…then maybe he will have a point.

  29. Von Cracker says:

    You want him to be phony but you have no proof, just words. And, of course, we all know that just because you want it to be that way doesn’t make it so.

    Moore’s been proven correct time and time again – remember he was booed at the Oscars because he and a very few others had the balls to state what was true and unpopular at the time. If he said the same thing today, he’d be just one of the 70% who despise Bush and Cheney’s war.

    Your Cuba point shows limited, close-minded thinking. The point not about Cuba providing BETTER health care, it’s about receiving any health care and the hypocrisy of our, the peoples, government. Even though we are the richest country in the world, we cannot, sorry, will not provide sufficient health care to our HEROES (you know, the ones that Bush and Rudy love to surround themselves with so they can steal their glory). That is the point. These severely ill people can go to a depressed, third-world nation and obtain sufficient care, whereas here, in the States, the care is just refused. Don’t tell me the “Bottom Line” has nothing to do with it. Just like Walter Reed, don’t you think? What does that say about us and our leaders?

    You and others don’t like Moore because your thinkers tell you he’s a bad, unpatriotic, commie-fuck who hates America.

    Well, is it unpatriotic or morally wrong to question your government when it offers false reasons to go to war, and on the backs of 3000 dead? Is it unpatriotic or morally wrong to question how children can obtain automatic weapons and slaughter scores of classmates and teachers? Is it unpatriotic or morally wrong to question how corporations can default on pensions, depress an entire community, while the whole time board members receive unprecedented bonuses and pay increases?

    I’m not a ‘conspiracy theorist’, but believing that makes you feel superior to me, then I’m happy to help my fellow man.

    Moore made 4 films, so I’m guessing you’re referring to Fahrenheit 911 as being a conspiracy theory. The information in the film is all true; if it wasn’t, I’m sure there would have been plenty of lawsuits by now. That would also include any clever editing as well, since libel extends to malicious editing in print and film.

    I mean, really, have you seen any of his movies or are you just playing the role of a tape recorder?

  30. Chris says:

    “You want him to be phony but you have no proof, just words. ”

    Here are 59 things wrong with that movie…of course this must be from a right wing nut job site. But then again, what better way to refute a left-wing nut job.

    “Your Cuba point shows limited, close-minded thinking. ”

    Close-minded because I don’t happen to think living over there is better than living over here? You want that kind of health care, have at it. I am sure Fidel would love the company.

    “..will not provide sufficient health care to our HEROES”

    I will agree with you only so far as I think we owe it to our troops and emergency services folks to do what we can to get them the best care we can. The VA has always had its issues, usually because politicians (BOTH SIDES) keep using it as a bank for pork projects. But universal healthcare is not going to fix that….it will only make matters worse. Because then everyone, including those vets that have good health insurance will get substandard service. Fix the VA, but not through universal healthcare.

    “The information in the film is all true; if it wasn’t, I’m sure there would have been plenty of lawsuits by now.”

    See above link….

    “I mean, really, have you seen any of his movies or are you just playing the role of a tape recorder?”

    Have not seen the latest, because I will wait until I can pay the LEAST to see it. Don’t want to give that jerk any more of my money than I have to. The others, particularly, “Fahrenheit 9/11” were painful to sit through. Not just from a political standpoint, but in pure technical prowess as well. It was a BAD movie. But many liberals (obviously including you) were too infatuated with the jolly old elf to notice.

  31. Von Cracker says:

    Did I say anything about living in Cuba as being better?

    And it’s funny how Kopel uses “deceits” instead of “lies” or “fabrications”. Though maybe a few of his 59 deceits may be correct, after looking at the list, I can tell you that a majority of those have been refuted or are deceitful in their own way. most of them are like: Moore’s not really from Flint, he’s from a wealthy suburb” Shit, that’s like me saying I’m from Wilmington, but I’m actually from New Castle!

    Just to show you that Kopel will say crap in order to make his point, I give you this:

    I’m done with the Moore argument. If he lied, then given the success of F911, I’m sure the conservative, pro-war MSM would have been all over it, especially FoxNews.

    Anyway, Moore’s more of a patriot than you and I combined.

  32. donviti says:

    RUH ROH, the standard dumb ass website that didn’t disprove anything actually. Typical GOP talking points, moves around the statement, doesn’t directly contradict what moore says, just offers a nuance here and there and viola Moore is a liar. Shocking!
    Yet how much did Michael Moore pay out in lawsuit money for his liable?
    Didn’t he put a bet out there that says he would pay anyone that found the facts wrong?
    Please show me where he paid anything out.

  33. donviti says:

    number 58 is nice…it is an opinion and not an actual error.

    I don’t see where he sites his claims either

    #48 is another opinion
    #47 the author even says it is not a deciet!
    and if you corrected it to now well I think the Uk is pulling out and so is Australia?
    #46 is not sited, just an opinion

    yes, great article Chris

    stick to acting, you have to be better at that than defending your position

  34. donviti says:

    I really like #36 The FBI didn’t know….the informations wasn’t passed one field office

    uh, isn’t a field office the FBI? and it was reported up the COC but no one listened

    again, great site chris.

    get the husky crayons, they are easier to write with

  35. Mike Protack says:

    Luntz is a genius, listen to him

  36. Chris says:

    “Anyway, Moore’s more of a patriot than you and I combined.”

    If you truly believe that than you are a fool. ..and we are in deep trouble.

    You have managed to refute a few selected issues even going to so far as to suggest one has now become true in light of recent events.

    But the fact remains that in most of those cases he indeed twisted the truth. Where are the libel suits? Easy. In most of those cases he “omitted” or “edited” to what he wanted, which falls just shy of libel. Incorrect and misleading it is without a doubt, but meeting the legal definition of libel would have been tough. Besides, he would have LOVED the suits, even if he lost. He is all about attention for himself. The subject matters not. So the suits weren’t brought because he was already getting fawned over by the media (pretty strange since according to you guys they lean right). A lawsuit would have given them more reason to keep that hacks name in press.

    Waste your money on that garbage if it makes you feel good. After all, movies are supposed to take you to the land of make believe.

  37. Von Cracker says:

    Two words for ya, Chris: Joseph Welsh

    Can’t stand truth to power, now can you? Sticking up for the big guys with hyperbole and conjecture, and you’re calling me the fool? That’s just laughable, just like your lame excuses….HA!

  38. donviti says:


    I sited 5 of his points almost 10% of his piece and you can only say You have managed to refute a few selected issues even going to so far as to suggest one has now become true in light of recent events.

    the site you linked to Chrissy is full of the guys opinions, he doesn’t cite ONE thing to back up his opinions.

    uh, huh and you hang on the fact that I said the UK is pulling out and Australia is too, if not already.

    get real bro.

    At least Moore holds people accountable, liberal media or not, he gets more results from what he does than they do.