Delaware Liberal

Around the Horn Friday (err…Saturday): The Leg Hall Shuffle Edition

Our beloved elected officials are putting the finishing touches on all of the laws that will screw us up for years to come. It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it.

Speaking of tough jobs, Kavips takes on a roundup of the bills pending for the last minute push of the legislative agenda. Among the more dramatic stories is the battle in the House for SB36 which threatened to tear the Republicans apart. Mike at DWA has a follow-on. It must be good news, since FSP is all pissy about it. Maybe Dave really will quit the party. 😉

Another bit of drama is the anti-fusion bill. Nancy wants us all to get together in Dover Saturday night. Mike’s going. Dana wentJoe is already there.  I’d go, but I have company all weekend…

His Wonkiness has a post on a subject near and dear to his heart, recycling. He has been all over it, but the outcome doesn’t look like it will be good. It’s too bad Tommy cannot just will it to happen. Keep at it Tommy.

There seems to be an incumbent push in Leg Hall this year. Anti-fusion, anti write-in and even Daniello suggesting that bloggers should be regulated. Joe at Merit Bound Alley has the best post that brings it all together.  A new edition to Around the Horn is Mat Marshall at The Soapbox.  Like me he is still searching to see if Daniello was doing anything but blowing hot air.

KarmicJay has a [non]review of the Daniel Pearl inspired movie A Mighty Heart.

Ryan Mc over at Liberal Delight has a Story about how Christie Todd Whitman was booed and heckled during testimony this week. If she survives the abuse, she is probably ready to be a blogger.

Pencader Days and Gazizza want us to know that they still don’t believe that we are causing global warming, if it even exists.

Hube is pissed that Liberals aren’t getting all worked up in a frenzy because of terrorism in London.  Guess what, the British military stationed in Iraq didn’t uncover this plot either…

Kilroy wants a moratorium on new charter schools in Red Clay.  Anyone want to propose it at the next board meeting?  Kilroy is going to miss the July meeting.

Finally, Ryan at JttR tells us that immigration reform is dead… again… no, really dead… pretty much.

It’s going to be a wonderful weekend.  So while you are out there enjoying it, remember that 66,807 Iraqi civilians have been killed since we invaded and it has cost America 3,578 lives and 439 billion dollars.  That is enough money to send over 21 million students to four years of college.  Wear sunscreen.

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