Australia Planning Iraq Withdrawal

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 1, 2007

There is a story coming out of Australia that John Howard is planning to pull Aussie troops out of Iraq in February.  I find this significant, as Howard has been not just a tagalong on this war, but quite aggressive.  There have been other high-profile withdrawals (Spain, Italy) but they have mostly been after an election that ousted the moronic government that let Bush run roughshod over them.  Howard isn’t even in political jeopardy for his support.  I wonder why he is pulling out?

If Australia is out of there, we are quickly on the path to isolation in Iraq.  Is it possible that Bush has leaked a February withdrawal plan to Howard and it is leaking out from down under?


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  1. University Update - Iraq - Australia Planning Iraq Withdrawal | July 1, 2007
  1. anon says:

    Stabbed in the back by Australia! That’s it, I’m boycotting vegemite.