I guess Levin is not running for Gov as a Republican after all

Filed in National by on July 1, 2007

By Celia Cohen
Grapevine Political Writer

Only in Delaware would the AFL-CIO president, who is a diehard Democrat, and the Chamber of Commerce chairmanm (Alan B. Levin), who could be the Republican candidate for governor, get together and decide to throw a giant fund-raiser to help Joe Biden run for the Democratic presidential nomination.

If you live here, you get it.

Really? I don’t get it and I live here. Is it just me? I thought Delaware Republicans kind of detest Joe Biden. Maybe I’m all mixed up. Maybe Celia is right and you can spit in the face of your political base and still get your party’s nomination. She is the blogatrix emeritus afterall.

Spoiler Alter: Celia’s gushing school-girl “aint we cute, we’re so bipartisan” BS is cranked up to 11. So do not click through unless you want to spoil your keyboard with a large deposite of vomit.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (8)

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  1. No it is the GOPer’s strategic move of “appearance of cooperation”, perhaps. This is money time for 2008 racers do or die.

    Lathem is very close to Biden, he was with him in South Carolina for the presidential debate there.
    Levin probably has a significant history with him as well.

  2. J says:

    If Alan Levin wants the DE GOP gubenatorial nomination, he should not be supporting the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate period. Unless I’m told otherwise, that’s the seat he’s running for. As far as the Presidency goes, unless the position opens up at Dunkin Donuts, he won’t be President of anything.

    Protack couldn’t raise and spend enough money to earn the number of voters this ridiculously naive move will deliver him.

  3. jason330 says:

    As usual on the top level of politics here in Delaware – the fix is most certainly in.

    Levin could have sex with Tom Carper on rodney square at noon on Wednesday and he’ll still be the nominee.

  4. anon says:

    unless the position opens up at Dunkin Donuts…

    Joe will have to work on his Indian accent.

  5. Rebecca says:

    Oh Jason!

    What a mental image. Think I’ll go stick my head in a bucket of water. ICK!

  6. G Rex says:

    I dunno, having Joe Jr. running around Iowa and New Hampshire serves the people of Delaware and of the US far more than having him in Washington. Besides, we need more goofy Biden videoclips to run on YouTube! In essence, Levin is helping to send a needy kid to summer camp.

  7. GOP Vision says:

    Levin is toast before he gets started. He has donated money to Sen. Biden for many, many years.

    Sorry, but there is no way Levin gets the nomination.

    The GOP insiders have a fraction of the power they used to have and the enthusiasm of the party and its delegates is at an all time low.

    Strine will have a heart attack when he reads this but Protack owns the party now.