The New Order in Delaware Politics?

Filed in National by on July 1, 2007

Dana’s take on the the HB177 defeat. There is a lot of hyperbole here but the payoff comes in the last sentence.

A new order has emerged in Delaware politics. The old alliances that once exclusively dominated our state have been broken. The tactics of bullying, intimidation, and political threats by party bosses and legislative leaders have lost much of their force. Indeed, they have become laughable. Now citizens—ordinary citizens—concerned about maintaining and expanding democratic control of their state; and lobbying groups with small budgets because they represent the disenfranchised like the A. Phillip Randolph Institute of Delaware and ACORN Delaware; and, yes, bloggers who advocate for their positions on their websites and on radio talk shows; and fledgling parties like the Working Families Party of Delaware; and so-called dissident members of established parties like Tyler Nixon; and clandestine but sympathetic party and governmental insiders; and, significantly, a new generation of visionary party leaders like fellow-blogger and GOP Sussex County Chairman Dave Burris (more about his crucial role later)–can form ad hoc alliances within short time frames on matters of mutual public interest and totally reverse the purposes, policies, certainties and legislation of established political power in our state.

Burris the Younger rising? I think so and this is worthy of a full post, but for now just look at what has happened. Not only was he part of HB177, but he put the knife into Adkins at just the right time and ran a hell of a race to install Adkinds replacment. He must have had a part in the near revolt this term and had amendments introduced. He is now a force in the Republican Party to be reckoned with.

It was a beautiful sight to behold last night in Legislative Hall. I wish every Delawarean could have witnessed it. They would have seen the power and difference they can make in the instant when the smug and certain faces of Democratic Party boss John Daniello and House Minority Leader Bob Gilligan changed into an anemic and crestfallen hue after they lost the vote on HB 177.

They thought HB 177 was in the bag, but the truth is they had lost the vote three hours before it was taken. They never knew what hit them. They couldn’t know the level of organization they were facing. We had sympathizers volunteering to help us throughout Legislative Hall and on the inside of some backroom conversations they believed were airtight. They were outfoxed and outmaneuvered by a coalition of forces, interests and persons they would have never thought imaginable. Perhaps more humiliating than the defeat of HB 177 for Mr. Danilello et al was the fact that they were outfoxed principally by novices. Think of it. Democratic Party Chairman John Daniello beaten by bloggers. His sway over much of the political order in Delaware is over.

The old order needs to adjust to the emerging new order or it needs to get out of the way. That’s the only choice the old order has now. The plans are underway.

On Monday morning I will join the Delaware Democratic Party and I plan to become involved. Very involved.

I’m not admitting anything to say that I was not on the anti-HB177 bandwagon. However, if the bill’s defeat really brings about some sustained activism that reforms the Democratic party I say (and have always said) hell yeah!!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Disbelief says:

    Welcome aboard, Dana.

  2. Rebecca says:

    It’s a big tent Dana. Welcome!

  3. Dana Garrett says:

    I wasn’t able to make it to the Board of Elections today. The night before the we were all ravaged by food poisoning. But I will change my registration tomorrow to DEM.