Help break down Mike Castle’s Stonewall on Iraq

Filed in National by on July 2, 2007

Mike Castle believes that if he never talks about Iraq – it will go away. This year we have a whole group dedicated to not letting him run out the clock like he did last time around.

“Take A Stand” Campaign to Turn the Heat Up on Castle to Bring a Responsible End to the War in Iraq

Who: You !!

Where: Outside Castle’s Wilmington Office –
201 N. Walnut Street, Wilmington, DE (on 2nd Avenue)

When: Friday, July 6, 2007 11:00am

Several community leaders and activists give short speeches about the influence the Iraq War has had on Delaware, why it is time for Castle to Step up as Delaware’s sole Representative and start voting to bring the troops home, as well as announcing the Take A Stand Event.

The speakers (and all willing attendees) will sign a “Statement of Conscience” that reads something along the lines of:

“I ____________________________, join millions of Americans to oppose the continuation of a reckless war in Iraq. I urge Congress to bring our troops home and stop the immoral and endless occupation of Iraq. I call on Castle to stand up and vote for a responsible redeployment of our troops from Iraq. I applaud leaders regardless of political party who stand up against endless war. I endorse and am joining this unified effort, mindful of the urgency of this moment.”

We will then present the signed billboard to Castle’s office along with a letter explaining the details of “Take a Stand” Day and invite him to speak at 7pm on August 28th.

We hope that you can be in attendance! will also be sending out an online invitation with the same details so as to maximize the number of people who will be there

Castle has no place to hide. He will be made accountable for his support of George Bush and his vanity war.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. donviti says:

    still no reply to my email.

    What do you think a reasonable period of time is before I do another follow up email?

  2. who is University Update?