I Wish I Was Joking

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 2, 2007

George Bush, obviously believing that his approval rating couldn’t get any lower, has commuted the sentence of Scooter Libby. I am disgusted. I guess we will never figure out what his new prison name would have been.


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  1. jason330 says:

    The most criminal adminstration since US Grant.

  2. anon says:

    Sandy Berger’s socks!

  3. FSP says:

    I agree. It’s a travesty.

    He should have received the same punishment as Armitage got for leaking the name of Valerie Plame, who was deep undercover on the Washington party circuit.

  4. As cynical as Americans are, I think Jason is right. This could definitely bring Bush’s approval rating even lower. Not that he cares. He’s got 18 months left and I’m convinced he can’t wait for his term to expire.

  5. oedipa maas says:

    Armitage fessed up — like everyone else in this sordid business did (even Rove with enough prompting). Libby was the only one left hanging on to his lie.

    And, of course, you want us all to forget that the CIA has actually confirmed Ms. Plame’s status via the unclassified data they gave to Fitzgerald (not to mention that only a US Intelligence Agency can refer those charges in the first place).

    If you really believe that Scooter was mistreated here, explain what he thought he could possibly gain by being the last man hanging on to his lie?

    But then, you’d have to explain their attachment to This Thing of Ours…..

  6. Dana Garrett says:

    Bush cares little about poll ratings. He commuted his sentence to save his own skin. Libby knows where many skeletons are buried.

    It’s a commutation now. It will be a full pardon for Libby before Bush leaves office.

  7. anon says:

    Well this will certainly improve morale at DOJ.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Dana, I think you are right. Libby said that he will continue to appeal. So if he can stretch that out 18 months, he can get out of paying the fines also. I think we will be lucky if Bush doesn’t make the government pay Libby’s legal expenses.

  9. Libby can be forced to testify if the DOJ gives him immmunity and then brings him in. I believe that will prevent him from pleading the fifth and can corner him into talking about what Cheney did and didn’t do RE: Plame/Wilson.

  10. Bush will probably get a bump in the pols for this, his base had no where to go after the Amnesty fiasco.

  11. Von Cracker says:

    This is the worst thing Bush could’ve done to his party and any GOPer running in 2008. Given his extreme reluctance to pardon or commute any sentence, especially when a felon hasn’t met any of the criteria set for such leniency, this only proves to the American people his true distain for the rule of law, if it doesn’t go his way.

    And for the lying fools who don’t think, or better yet, won’t admit that a crime has been committed…well, just keep at it. You’ll eventually reach the putrid level of immorality and contempt that your lords and masters currently reside.

  12. David says:

    GWB just shut the door on a Republican victory in 2008.

  13. I disagree that this decision will have much impact on 2008 nor will it have much meaning in a week or so, maybe even in 3-4 days.

    Pres Bush was indeed looking at the timing and probably made the smart political choice.

  14. Chris says:

    “And for the lying fools who don’t think, or better yet, won’t admit that a crime has been committed…well, just keep at it. You’ll eventually reach the putrid level of immorality and contempt that your lords and masters currently reside.”

    And Sandy Berger had nothing in his socks relative to Clinton and 9/11. Use your mirror Von Cracker.

  15. David says:

    Guess who said these words:

    Let me say a few words about important values we must demonstrate while all of us serve in government. First, we must always maintain the highest ethical standards. We must always ask ourselves not only what is legal, but what is right. There is no goal of government worth accomplishing if it cannot be accomplished with integrity.

    Second, I want us to set an example of humility. As you work for the federal government there is no excuse for arrogance, and there’s never a reason to show disrespect for others. A new tone in Washington must begin with decency and fairness. I want everyone who represents our government to be known for these values.

  16. David says:

    And that would be, yes, you guessed it, our fearful leader.


  17. J says:

    Just a reminder.


    Of course there were good reasons:

    Who is the Democratic frontrunner again? What’s her name? Expect more of the same.

  18. Von Cracker says:

    Chris, what does Sandy Berger have to do with this?

    Your off topic and trying to change the subject. Right?

    So, if the Dems win the WH in 2008, I guess they can do about 10,000 illigal and unethical things without remorse or punishment, according to your fucked-up logic.

  19. Von Cracker says:

    Mirror Boy!

  20. Chris says:

    “So, if the Dems win the WH in 2008, I guess they can do about 10,000 illigal and unethical things without remorse or punishment, according to your fucked-up logic.”

    And no doubt will….should Hilliary be the one she will pick up where they left off 8 years ago.

  21. Chris says:

    “Chris, what does Sandy Berger have to do with this?”

    Oh…I don’t know. Stealing historical records from the national archives and mostly likely destroying some of them in an effort to protect the reputation of a vain president? Sounds kind of like what you have been accusing here. Seems clearly relevant to me.

  22. Von Cracker says:

    So an illegal or unethical deed of another exonerates the one who’s in question? Because this is what you’re stating, Chris, if you know it or not.

    Yes or no anwser, please.