Delaware Liberal

Can someone tell me

How were the Republicans able to make the CIA leak case into a “partisan witchhunt”? 

 I really don’t understand how a Dem, Rep or Ind can’t grasp that lying underoath and obstructing justice is a crime regardless of what the initial charges are.  It boggles my mind, it just boggles my mind man.  At what point where they able to make a very, very good prosecutor partisan and obsessive.  How were they able to move beyond the charge and say that Armitage was the leaker?  How were they able to get beyond the special prosecutor essentially saying that it stinks all over like the VP’s office did something illegal but he can’t prove it?  How? How? 

 MSM LIBERAL MEDIA MY FUCKING ASS!  If this was a liberal media this fucking executive branch would have never been reelected.

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