My Follow up letter to Mike Castle

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 3, 2007

Good Morning Congressman,  

I sent you an email last week on 6/28/2007 and still have not heard back from you regarding my 3 questions.  I am not in the habit of contacting elected officials so forgive me for not knowing how long I should wait for some sort of reply from you. 


I had 3 questions in my last email that I felt were and are very important to know your position on as someone that represents me.  Since that time Scooter Libby has been commuted for obstruction of justice.


Congressman Castle, in addition to the 3 questions I have already sent you I would like to add one more to the list:


  1. Can you tell me how you feel about the President commuting the sentence of Scooter Libby?  How you feel about President Bush circumventing the normal procedures to do so?  As well as, what kind of a message you think this sends to the citizens of Delaware?
  2. Can you give me an idea of how you feel the “Surge in Iraq” is working?
  3. Can you give me your opinion of Alberto Gonzalez?
  4. Can you give me your opinions on the White House’s recent subpoena from Sen. Patrick Leahy regarding the warrantless wiretapping?  As well as the other multiple subpoena’s that seem to occur on a daily basis…

    I will be posting this letter as well as your reply on as soon as they are received. 

Thank you for your time,


THE Donviti

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hiding in the open

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  1. GOP Vision says:

    You Dems want to beat Mike Castle in 2008?

    Get Mike Protack to switch parties and take him on, Castle will defecate.

  2. donviti says:

    people with mustaches don’t get elected

  3. David says:

    A little off topice, but why doeesn’t Jack Markell run for Congress?

  4. jim center says:

    After having read today’s WNJ which says that both Biden and Carper have released statements “disturbed” about GW’s decision to commute sentence, I called Rep. Castle’s office in DC to ask what was his statement on the issue. Castle has no statement at this time was the reply from the female staffer. I asked if there were any events for Castle scheduled in the state over the holiday and was told that she “couldn’t give out that information”. I repeated that I was a constituent and would like to see the Rep. to ask him this question if he’s in the area. She repeated that she was “not allowed to give out this information”.
    Bet he’s going to do the “Castle Waffle” and try not to make any statement at all.

  5. donviti says:


    excellent work and thanks for commenting. We appreciate you stopping by.

    Every call helps. These guys are going to be held accountable going forward.

    These “tubes” are going to be what keeps our politicians accountable

    again thanks for visiting. Keep coming back!

  6. donviti says:

    by the way this is an actual letter that emailed this morning, lest anyone think this is a “jason” letter…which for all I know may be real too

  7. jason330 says:


    My outgoing letters to Wenky and Castle’s brain are real. The responses I have received (to date) are imaginary.

  8. jason330 says:


    BTW you mentioned something about calling – but I’m out of town. My connectiuon is pretty crappy, but email me.

  9. GOP Vision says:

    The moustache is not a factor and Castle needs to go. Strine has been a disaster but the real party chairman is Castle.

    If the Dems are serious they should recruit him.