Mitt Romney, hypocrite.

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 5, 2007

first the hyp:

on Tuesday called President Bush’s commutation of Scooter Libby’s prison sentence “reasonable.”

Defending Bush, Romney said at a campaign stop that “the president looked very carefully at the setting” before deciding to commute the 2 1/2-year sentence of Libby,

now the crite:

In his presidential bid, Romney often proudly points out that he was the first governor in modern Massachusetts history to deny every request for a pardon or commutation during his four years in office. He says he refused pardons because he didn’t want to overturn a jury.

During the four years Romney was in office, 100 requests for commutations and 172 requests for pardons were filed in the state. All were denied.

As governor, Romney twice rejected a pardon for Anthony Circosta, who at age 13 was convicted of assault for shooting another boy in the arm with a BB gun – a shot that didn’t break the skin. Circosta worked his way through college, joined the Army National Guard and led a platoon of 20 soldiers in Iraq’s deadly Sunni triangle.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Ryan S. says:

    Except that Bush didn’t overturn a jury. He overturned a judge.

  2. anon says:

    who at age 13 was convicted of assault for shooting another boy in the arm with a BB gun – a shot that didn’t break the skin.

    Oooh… repressed memory breaking through…I remember now! I’m a victim of assault too! That welt took DAYS to heal! Is it too late to sue?

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Actually, the jury convicted him and the judge sentenced him. Bush took the teeth out of the punishment and largely invalidated the jury’s conviction.

    Watch this space, because Bush will pardon Libby at the end of it all and then the jury will have been completely overturned.

  4. Ryan S. says:

    Actually, the jury convicted him and the judge sentenced him. Bush took the teeth out of the punishment and largely invalidated the jury’s conviction.

    Right. Bush overturned the judge, not the jury. He’s still guilty, still a convicted felon.

    Romney, therefore can support the commutation and boast he never overturned a jury.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    Mitt – the ‘original’ Massachusetts flip-flopper!

  6. Von Cracker says:

    And he’s on record (during the debates) saying he supports a Libby pardon. So the whole overturning a judge or jury excuse is irrelevant.

  7. Ryan S. says:

    I could care less about Romney’s position, really. donviti didn’t cite the debates, he cited another part of Mitt’s record which didn’t fit the point.

  8. Alan Coffey says:

    From Cato@Liberty:

    Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton denounces the Libby commutation as “disregard for the rule of law” and a “clear signal that in this administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice.”

    She has a point. But hello?! Wasn’t she part of the Clinton administration? Speaking of disregarding the rule of law.

    And then there was the infamous last day in office, when Clinton managed to pardon or commute the sentences of

    Marc Rich, a fugitive tax evader whose ex-wife was a major contributor to the Clintons;
    Susan McDougal, who loyally refused to testify in the Whitewater scandal;
    Child-molesting Democratic congressman Mel Reynolds;
    Post Office-molesting Democratic congressman Dan Rostenkowski;
    Cocaine kingpin Carlos Vignali, whose father was a major Democratic contributor;
    Four Hasidic shysters alleged to have promised and delivered Hasidic votes to Hillary Clinton’s first campaign;
    Clinton’s half-brother Roger;
    and various crooks who paid fees to Hillary Clinton’s brothers Hugh and Tony Rodham to lobby the First Family.

    Are they not ALL hypocrites? Our guy/gal can do it but your guy is a criminal! Blah, blah, blah…

  9. David says:

    Those Clintons are EEEEVIL, I tell ya, EEEEVIL!

  10. Alan Coffey says:

    Just cynical politicians. Like too many these days.

  11. donviti says:


    she isn’t my gal and I have had 3 posts I believe bashing her and her politics…

  12. Alan Coffey says:

    Good for you.