Delaware Liberal

Mitt Romney, hypocrite.

first the hyp:

on Tuesday called President Bush’s commutation of Scooter Libby’s prison sentence “reasonable.”

Defending Bush, Romney said at a campaign stop that “the president looked very carefully at the setting” before deciding to commute the 2 1/2-year sentence of Libby,

now the crite:

In his presidential bid, Romney often proudly points out that he was the first governor in modern Massachusetts history to deny every request for a pardon or commutation during his four years in office. He says he refused pardons because he didn’t want to overturn a jury.

During the four years Romney was in office, 100 requests for commutations and 172 requests for pardons were filed in the state. All were denied.

As governor, Romney twice rejected a pardon for Anthony Circosta, who at age 13 was convicted of assault for shooting another boy in the arm with a BB gun – a shot that didn’t break the skin. Circosta worked his way through college, joined the Army National Guard and led a platoon of 20 soldiers in Iraq’s deadly Sunni triangle.

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