This just in: Iraq has oil

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 5, 2007

At least Australia admits that is why they are there

Unlike our Government who has changed the reason we went and changes the reasons we are staying.

Australian Defence Minister Brendan Nelson has admitted that securing oil supplies is a key factor behind the presence of Australian troops in Iraq.

“Obviously the Middle East itself, not only Iraq but the entire region, is an important supplier of energy, oil in particular, to the rest of the world,” he said.


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hiding in the open

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  1. Yes, I think that if Iraq was not the second largest holder of oil reserves our concerns for the country would be a bit lower. Just as we care about Russia who has the same GDP as the Netherlands (with 10% of the population) we care because they have nukes.

    Al Qaeda is a serious threat all over the world however they are more serious because they are in Iraq.

    It has always been the policy of the US to make sure there is unfettered access to oil. All the more reason to diversify our energy needs.

  2. donviti says:

    Heck of a statement there Mike

    “Al Qaeda is a serious threat all over the world however they are more serious because they are in Iraq.”

    so, the war in Iraq made AQ more serious a threat? I agree. Well said. What a shame I was lied into believing that 9/11 and Iraq were linked and that Saddam was going to use his arsenal of WMD’s to kill me and my family.

    and your last quote is a beaute too:

    It has always been the policy of the US to make sure there is unfettered access to oil. All the more reason to diversify our energy needs.

    here is an idea though. Diversify energy sources through renewable, more effecient and cleaner sources then you will have an idea. Diversifying where we get the oil from is foolish.

    Make that your signature item, back it up with a plan and I’ll vote for you for governor. IN A HEARTBEAT!

  3. Ryan S. says:

    Obviously one of the reasons that Iraq (and for that matter, the entire region) are cared about so much is our sickening dependence on oil. Energy independence would go a long way for our long-term security, and be good for the environment. Win-win-win, as Michael Scott would say.

  4. donviti says:

    wait Ryan,

    are you saying that we wouldn’t care about the Middle East because we are trying to free people from tyranny if they didn’t have oil?

  5. Chris says:

    “are you saying that we wouldn’t care about the Middle East because we are trying to free people from tyranny if they didn’t have oil?”

    Ah DV…near sighted as usual. Even if we were getting all of our oil domestically (which you libs stop at every turn), we would still care what happens in that reegion. Why?
    Because they (the governments not the common folks) have money as a result of having oil. It is the money which is driving the terrorism thing. Even if we were using only US oil, others would still be buying oil from them. And money in that region, in the wrong hands, has a way of being very dangerous for our survival.

    Even if we all had your little windmills strapped to our butts and weren’t buying a drop of oil from them, until the rest of the world had windmills strapped to their butts, we would still care what happens there.

  6. G Rex says:

    But Israel doesn’t have any oil. What’s up with that? Oh wait, it’s that pesky Zionist lobby. I keep forgetting how the Jews run this country.

    Can we please drill in ANWR now? Before Putin declares it belongs to Russia too?

  7. donviti says:

    ahhhh chrissy,

    not reading jack shit as usual and just spewing ridiculousness

    here is what you just said: Ah DV…near sighted as usual. Even if we were getting all of our oil domestically (which you libs stop at every turn), we would still care what happens in that reegion. Why?

    here is what I said: are you saying that we wouldn’t care about the Middle East because we are trying to free people from tyranny if they didn’t have oil?

    I didn’t say anything about us not getting oil from there numb nuts, I asked sarcastically if WE WOULD CARE ABOUT THE MIDDLE EAST IF THEY HAD NO OIL….not what we would do if we DIDN’T GET OUR OIL FROM THEM….

    but alas, I expect nothing more than you trying to attempt to jump all over anything I say.

    beat it troll.

  8. Ryan S. says:

    are you saying that we wouldn’t care about the Middle East because we are trying to free people from tyranny if they didn’t have oil?

    No more than we care about the rest of the world. Which, we do care, it’s just that we prioritize, and the Mideast jumps to the top because oil enables them to do what they do without too much fear for repercussion, like Iran’s control over the Strait of Hormuz.

    And Chris, while they would still have money, we could do a lot more without fear of economic repercussions.

    I’m vexed by your dislike of alternative energy. It’s a good thing, especially nuclear power.

  9. so, the war in Iraq made AQ more serious a threat? I agree. Well said. What a shame I was lied into believing that 9/11 and Iraq were linked and that Saddam was going to use his arsenal of WMD’s to kill me and my family.
    Bush’s 4th of July speech included a dozen or so references linking 9/11 to Iraq.
    He was speaking to deployed National Guard.

  10. the Mideast jumps to the top because oil enables them to do what they do without too much fear for repercussion,

    oy vey
    we occupy this area and support despotic allies why? because they do whatever they like despite us?

  11. Von Cracker says:

    I prefer to run my car on O-negative.

    If we move onto alternative sourses, which we should, China and other second and third world countries would buy the difference anyway. No doubt that our foreign policy influence would be so much stronger if we weren’t sucking on the oily Arab teet.

  12. Ryan S. says:

    we occupy this area and support despotic allies why? because they do whatever they like despite us?

    Congrats, Nancy.

    Few people have the power to sum up a over a century’s worth of complex and convoluted foreign policy in a sentence. Bravo.

  13. Alan Coffey says:

    “I’m vexed by your dislike of alternative energy. It’s a good thing, especially nuclear power.”
    Sense has been spoken. Nuclear is a necessity if we are to avoid ANWAR, Atlantic Continental Shelf and Canadian oil shale. When the price of the cheapest oil goes too high, we will begin with the next cheapest and move up the scale. Nuclear could be cheap today!

    Get me a good cozy nuclear reactor and a plug in electric vehicle good for 50 miles and I will have my energy security.

    Of course, that may require a president who can pronounce the word “nuclear” and a good butt whippin of the reactionary “greens”.

  14. donviti says:

    let me know where you want that Nuke power plant built and I’ll be sure to let the residents whose area you chose to send you their opinions

  15. donviti says:

    where does it say they don’t mind Ryan?

    that is a list of where they are, not of the residents that live under the cloud it emits every second of the day

  16. Ryan S. says:

    …the cloud of…water vapor?

  17. donviti says:

    I used to live on a Submarine dude,

    if you want to tell me that Nukes are clean and don’t discharge waste have at it but you are wrong.

    go fishing around 3 mile island, eat what you catch and get back to me, Mr. Confident.

  18. Alan Coffey says:

    In France the electric rates are set – to some extent – by how close you are to the plant that generates the electricity. That uses the market to solve the problem. Yup, you guessed it. The plants tend to be around the poorer areas. And the poor benefit by getting lower electric rates.

    Got any better ideas or are you set to permanent negative?

    The bit about an enlightened President was to solve the storage issue. That is where the leakage comes from, not the operation of a modern plant. But, oh, we would not know. We have not built any modern nuclear plants in the USA.

  19. kavips says:

    Interesting. But we did not go to war for Al Qaeda,… yes i know,… that is what we were told.

    And we did not go to war in Iraq for WMD’s. again, I know,….that is what we were told.

    Furthermore, we did not go to war to stop the torture in Abu Ghraib, even though some of us bought it and believed it.

    We couldn’t see it then. Some did and were made to look ridiculous….but most of us could not see that we went to war for cheap, high quality sweet crude, sitting right underneath the desert sand, which could be excavated for %1.50 or less per barrel, and sold on our markets for $75 or more.

    Only when seen after acknowledging this evidence, does the scale that the wool was pulled over your eyes and mine, become absolutely apparent……….

    Sorry, Bud. That is how it is.

  20. Some good points but let me clarify things a bit.

    Iraq is important for many reasons, most of all oil. The Al Qaeda threat is second.

    Yes, we need to diversify our energy sources and use tax credits for renewable energy sources not oil. Within Delaware we can move on several fronts to make energy more plentiful and affordable.

    Let me offer this on WMD’s. The intelligence was inaccurate and without the WMD’s the invasion should not have occurred.

    Let me know if I missed anything.

  21. kavips says:

    Did someone say we could, within Delaware, move forward on several fronts to make energy more plentiful and affordable?

    Ok,…. You just got my attention…..

  22. ben dover says:

    This is just a dumass liberal rag. When muff diver Billy the bitchboy was in office he said the same thing about Iraq WMD’s. And Mike you did miss something you born without brain as most lib’s are.

  23. GOP Vision says:

    Ben Dover,

    Lose your lithium?