Take A Stand, Mike Castle

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 6, 2007

Today was the protest against Mike Castles’ empowerment of Goerge Bush and his foolhardy escapade in Iraq.  There were between 30 and 40 people in attendance including me on my lunch break and Nancy Willing.  Michael Berg was there and I assume that Kavips was there, but stayed incognito.  The best part was when Castle came out of his office, sobbing.  He begged for our forgiveness and vowed to act in the interest of his constituents from here on out…  Well, maybe not, but that would have been nice.

I’ll have pictures and video up soon, hopefully.  Big props go out to the Iraq Summer Project organizers for putting on a good show.

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  1. Mat Marshall says:

    Alas, I couldn’t make it! I kid you not, I had to stay home and clean. Rest assured that I was there in spirit.