Feast on this green people!

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 9, 2007

Fighting the Tide, a Few Restaurants Tilt to Tap Water

Personally I never by bottled water, EVER.  I bought one bottle in NYC about 2 years ago and regretted every second of it. It seems like such a waste.  As a consumer that is pretty conscious of marketing bullshit, I don’t buy into bottle water at all.  We are a first world country for God’s sake, I can drink the tap water in Mexico for crying out loud, why do I need a cool square bottle of water to look hip?  On the list of totally pointless things, bottle water tops it.  

Did you know to import a single bottle of Evian from France you use 2 oz of oil? Not including the oil used to make the bottle.  Think about that 2 oz of oil per bottle.  That’s disgusting…

Very interesting read and I hope you will join me in never buying bottled water. Stick to filter tap water if you want to make a difference. Buy a reusable container from target if you take a bottle to work.

Her organization has calculated how much carbon dioxide — a major greenhouse gas — is emitted during the transportation of bottled water imported from France and Italy, the two largest exporters to the United States, and Fiji water, which travels much farther. Together they account for 4,000 tons of carbon dioxide, the equivalent, Dr. Solomon said, of the yearly emissions from 700 cars on the road. She called that “a significant contribution to global warming, and fundamentally an unnecessary one.”


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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    Ny favorite drink is equal parts Dewars and Canada Dry Club Soda.

    Can’t I get a pass?

  2. donviti says:

    If I have to make exceptions for you then everyone will want something

  3. Hube says:

    Good call, this, don. I always just use the Brita pitcher and use regular, garden-variety tap water. Although, in Mexico, I’d stick with bottled … ! 😉

  4. mhomewood says:

    hey, I live in Dover, so with all of the brown water problems, does that count as Mexico ? 🙂

  5. donviti says:

    only if you get kentcountysrevenge!

    thanks for stopping by you appear to be a new visitor or commentor at the least.

  6. oedipa maas says:

    There must be a bottled water conspiracy this AM. NPR did a story today on the effort by NYC to get people to drink the tap water and stop using the bottles. They were giving out reusable bottles and touting the fact that they have some of the best water in America.

    Tap water certainly gets rid of the pesky bottles and transportation costs, but I gotta take bottled water on planes (it is just easier) and I am still sneaking in bottles of water to the movies.

  7. donviti says:

    I expected better from you Oedipa! 🙂

  8. Alan Coffey says:

    A simple look at the cost will drive you away from bottled water if you have any sense at all. $1.00 for a pint?!? That is more expensive than gasoline for crying out loud.

  9. anon says:

    Bottled water = somebody else’s tap water

  10. Tyler Nixon says:

    Jason, buddy, a man after my own heart (or should I say liver). I am a single malt guy myself, but Dewar’s is the old standby.

    No bottled water for me, thanks. I mix straight old stinky Wilmington tap water with my scotch, except I omit my usual double filtering routine. Unfiltered Wilmo water gives it that extra tangy chlorine bite. I am still not sure which is giving me more of a buzz…the scotch or the Agua de Wilmington.

    Viti – great post. Since I don’t buy it, I had never thought too deeply about the pampered gluttony behind imported water. Just think about the absurdity of such shi-shi fu-fu extravagance as buying your freaking water from overseas…

    (We can give Jason a pass on the Canada Dry. At least they’re in North America.)

    Your post also brings to mind the incredible waste involved with the hydrocarbon/fossil fuel supply system. One of the things I always pointed out when speaking about energy policy was the simple question : how much gasoline is burned just to get the gasoline to the gas station?

    Anyhow, Happy Monday everbody!

  11. G Rex says:

    Every six months I send a team up to Greenland in a cargo plane to melt a glacier for me so I have nice clean thousand-year-old water for my bourbon.

  12. Alan Coffey says:

    G. Rex, why bother? I thought the Global Warming was taking care of the melting for you! Just run a pipe from your nearest glacial mass to your table and you are all set.

  13. fred says:

    Do you recycle? How does that account in the oil used for a bottle of water?

    I saw a stat one time that stated you saved 3 hours of tv time for every aluminum can recycled.

    Just think. Recycle an aluminum can, you can watch football. Or Nascar. Maybe golf? RECYCLE DAMMIT!

    Maybe water should be sold in aluminum bottles like beer …..