Get worried wingnuts. Get very very worried.

Filed in National by on July 9, 2007

The numbers have been crunched.

“A regression discontinuity analysis of 41,654 voters in nine swing states demonstrates that neighbor-to-neighbor mobilization substantially increased  (Democratic) turnout during the 2004 presidential election.  Contact with MoveOn volunteers increased turnout by approximately seven percentage-points.


Troll Food:  True. It was not enought to overcome RNC election day crimes and dirty tricks, but I daresay it is enough for  to make sure the volume in turned “up to 11” next time out.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (10)

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  1. Ryan S. says:

    So I can vote for GWB again in 2008?

  2. jason330 says:

    You would.

  3. Ryan S. says:

    Well I’m just saying that seeing as how he wasn’t elected in 2000 or 2004:

    Eight more years!

  4. Rebecca says:

    Where are the guys with the butterfly nets when you need them?

  5. Chris says:

    Not to worry. If Hilliary gets the nod, we won’t even need to mobilize. Obama? Who knows. I think he will flame out before the primary.

  6. anon says:

    C’mon wingnuts; you guys voted for Bush twice! Can Hillary be worse than Bush? Or can she really be worse than any of the nutjobs currently running for the Republican nomination? I don’t think so.

    As much as everybody despises Hillary, Dems will get behind her for the same reason Republicans got behind GWB – because (they perceived) the alternative is worse.

  7. anon says:

    Dems will get behind her

    If she is nominated, I meant to say. I wish her no luck in the primaries.

  8. Dems will get behind her

    I’d get behind her.

  9. Alan Coffey says:

    Hillary (Socialist) – Ron Paul (Libertarian) – McCain (Fascist) … You decide.

    Senator Paul is more liberal than Hillary and more conservative than McCain.

  10. r smitty says:

    I just can’t wait for Daniello to lead the Delaware charge, too! Too bad he doesn’t lead the national. Damn.