Mike Castle’s New Iraq Position: Compassionate Conservatives for war

Filed in National by on July 9, 2007

So now Mike Castle has come up with a new Pretext for wanting to give George Bush another blank check for Iraq.

He says: He supports Bush’s open ended war out of (get this) CONCERN for the Iraqi people.

What a load of shit.

His brain must be on vacation. Or he forgot about his last pretext for supporting a 50 year troop commitment in Iraq, Concern for the troops.

UPDATE: I called Al’s show and was able to call out Castle on this. As for Al – his nonsensical pretext for staying in Iraq goes like this:

“We need Iraqi and middle eastern oil or we’ll have no plastic. We can’t have Americans dying, so we should withdrawal. We have to have some US presence to keep the oil flowing.”


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. June says:

    I also have a complaint about Castle’s newly-found concern. When we were outside his office last Friday with the anti-war group from the Iraq Summer project, Castle made the comment on Channel 12 that “they have no regard for the Iraqi people or for the whole MidEast, for that matter.” Huh? Yes, we want to save our troops by bringing them home, but we also want to save the Iraqi people by getting us the heck out of there.

    I wish he had more concern for the Iraqi people when he voted for the war. The hard-core anti-war people have been in agony from Day 1 because of what we are doing to the Iraqis. I feel his statement was an insult.

  2. Ryan S. says:

    Yeah, getting rid of that awful dictator that used WMDs on the Iraqi people was really unfair to the Iraqi people.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Um, Ryan, as it is now, YES it’s unfair. But I guess you’re comparing it to some mock-up from the New American Century back in 2002.

    Go to Baghdad, walk around by yourself in a Toby Keith t-shirt. Then get back to me with that statement of yours….

  4. anon says:

    that awful dictator that used WMDs on the Iraqi people

    I hate to tell you but Bush’s Iraq death record makes Chemical Ali look like a piker.

  5. donviti says:


    Yeah, getting rid of that awful dictator that used WMDs on the Iraqi people was really unfair to the Iraqi people.

    that awful dictator had potable water, electricity, a lower infant mortality rate, higher Oil Production, Less Dangerous Iran and a country that had an infrastructure.

    We went to war for that the first time Ryan. The second time we went to war was for him supposedly having them after that war.

  6. donviti says:

    I need a new question to ask Castle by the way I still haven’t recieved anything back.