My letter to Peter Hoekstra (R-Mi)

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 9, 2007

Dear Congressman,

I read an article ( the Washington post regarding the Scooter Libby Commutation.  In that article it quoted you as saying, “I think we’ll put up the record of the president versus the record of Bill Clinton, and the president will come out relatively good on that,”

I’m disappointed as citizen that you as a law maker are comparing the sins of one President to the sins of another.  What Bill Clinton did was wrong then and it is wrong now. 

What has our country come to when we rely on the past performance of Presidents to be the benchmark of current ones?

Shouldn’t past, present and future Presidents be benchmarked to how they obey and uphold the constitution and our country’s laws?  Well?  You are being dishonest when you compare an unjust with an unjust.  It cheapens your seat and is yet another reason why independents like myself continue to hold you and your colleagues in such disdain. 

I expect better from you sir than to play the, “oh yeah, well Bill Clinton did it too game.”


The Donviti


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hiding in the open

Comments (20)

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  1. J says:

    I assume you will not be supporting Hillary Clinton.

  2. donviti says:

    what does that have to do with anything jerkoff?

  3. J says:

    What’s with the name calling anytime somebody posts something here that is not in full agreement with you or posts a statement that makes you uncomfortable?

    My point is many of the Clinton Pardons had to do with friends and family, thus it applies to the Clintons (plural).

    So I ask you then straight up, will you be supporting Clinton for President and all the sleaze that accompanies her?

  4. J says:

    In case you forgot, here’ the list (all 160 of them!).

  5. anon says:

    Who did Hillary pardon?

  6. anon says:

    … I mean, besides Bill.

  7. donviti says:


    I meant jerkoff as a term of endearment, I was not sure what the J stood for so I assumed, my apologies 🙂

    as for you writing this: What’s with the name calling anytime somebody posts something here that is not in full agreement with you or posts a statement that makes you uncomfortable?

    What do you mean by not in full agreement? I wrote a letter to a schmuck congressman about holding people currently in office accountable to our current laws not standing him side by side to a sleeze ball in the 90’s.

    If you read my letter I said that what Bill did was wrong.

    You did exactly what Hoekstra did in saying something about thie Clintons. Cheep, pointless and typical. Change the subject slightly away from the real issue at hand.

    Hillary has nothing to fucking do with the letter, who I vote for has nothing to fucking do with the letter.

    The letter is about moving forward and being a decent law maker, not some schmuck that carries water for the GOP and cant hold his own President accountable because he hold a grudge for some President that “did it first”



  8. J says:

    This is now, just imagine if she wins.

    The force dubbed “Billary” – the combination of former US President Bill Clinton and his wife – hit Iowa in earnest Tuesday,…

  9. donviti says:

    see now you are borderline trolling.

  10. J says:


    I beg to differ with your take on things.

    I, unlike you do NOT equate one commutation with 160 Pardons!

    My point is you shouldn’t either. If you support Hillary, then you support a real (and I agree with you here) “sleeze ball from the 90’s”.

    One other thing, am I missing something? In both cases they (Presidents Clinton and Bush)are within their rights to exercise the privilege regardless of our dislike for either one of their actions.

    One thing I noticed is the minute many folks recognize a problem with our laws as written, they are unwilling to spend the time and efoort required to change things legislatively. Instead they always run with our country sucks, Democrats are dirtbags, Republicans are thieves, politicians are breaking the law, etc. Most of which is inaccurate at best.

    If you don’t like something, then run for office, contribute, or support those that will take the time and effort to change things within the framework of our constitution.

  11. donviti says:

    yes you are missing something J.

    Scooter Libby was an the Cheif of Staff for the VP. This guy didn’t raise money for his campaign. HE WORKED IN THE WHITE HOUSE, FOR THE PRESIDENTS VICE PRESIDENT. He lied underoath to protect his boss and his bosses boss. Now he gets his sentence commuted.

    big difference my friend.

  12. Von Cracker says:

    Bush/Cheney has committed de facto obstruction of justice, in the minds of many.

  13. oedipa maas says:

    And it is interesting to me that those obsessed with the Clinton pardons don’t seem to have any issues with the 75+ Bush I pardons — including pardons for six of the Iran Contra principals (also effectively cutting off additional investigation of which Bush I was a subject); a pardon for Orlando Bosch, noted Cuban terrorist; a pardon for Armand Hammer who pled guilty of laundering campaign contributions for Nixon; and pardons for various and sundry drug dealers and burglars. And how about that Ronald Reagan pardoning the George Steinbrenner who pled guilty to election fraud.

    It is pretty crazy to associate “sleaze” with the Clinton pardons when they are all largely guilty of pardoning friends and cronies. And it is just as crazy to actually make an argument against a thing that the Donviti has not made — he is pretty clear that he thinks that the Clinton business was wrong.

    The other thing I would point out in all of this is that during the Monica Lewinsky thing there was a steady parade of shills going on and on about how horrible it was that children had to be exposed to the whole idea of blow jobs. So where are these shill with kids who are outraged that Republicans are teaching their kids that the illegal and ill-mannered are AOK if they can find role models that that behavior…..

  14. jason330 says:

    That is game, set, match J. Hang it up.

  15. J says:

    “That is game, set, match J. Hang it up.”

    I have no problem with that Jason, I can accept well made arguments, so I will hang it up.

    I just wish I could get an answer on supporting another (make that the same, and you know it) Clinton.

  16. donviti says:


    you obviously don’t stop by enough. So I will feed your trollish behavior this one time

    check out these posts by me and you will see why I called you jerkoff.

    now beat it!

  17. J says:

    Now was that so hard to do up front.

    I’ll beat it, wish you guys luck.

  18. donviti says:

    I don’t mean to leave the site entirely J, geez

  19. jason330 says:

    The Donviti making friends.

  20. Duffy says:

    How about this:

    Dear Congressman,

    Using Bill Clinton as a benchmark for appropriate behavior is setting the bar very low.