Whatever happened to our Hit and Run almost AG

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 9, 2007

I thought this would happen you know…We had an almost AG  “clip” a car on I-95 on a sunny Sunday afternoon, with an unnamed passenger,that also refused to let the NJ take pictures of the his vehicle,  had witness describe him as tht motorist that left the scene of the crime and wouldn’t you know, our local media let him off the hook.

 uhhhhhhh, anyone have an update on Mr. Wharton? 

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hiding in the open

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  1. anon says:

    We still don’t know where Wharton was coming from, who his passenger was, and who was actually driving.

    Funny how that stuff always seems to leak out when prosecutors are prosecuting someone, but when Ferris is in the hot seat, the news is locked up tight as a drum. No leaks for this case!

    Delaware big shots are good at burying stuff like this. Did you ever see that hard-hitting feature article exploring why Kenneth Tripp shot his MBNA supervisor in a murder-suicide back in ’03? Me neither. You can’t find anything on it.

  2. This reminds me of another MBNA story.
    There was a weekend story about a tourist-laden helicopter having engine trouble and falling from the sky into the Manhattan’s river waters.

    This brought to mind the similar incident where top Delaware bankers went lobbying to NYC (wasn’t it hawking to Wachovia?) for a sweet deal for MBNA bailout/firesale, beknownst to noone. Too bad that near death experience did nothing to soften their souls. Wachovia rejected the deal but BoA bit. It was the bite that keeps biting Delaware butt.