Ahhhh another R caught in a sex scandal….I know, I know….shocking, yawn

Filed in National by on July 10, 2007

Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) apologized last night after his telephone number appeared in the phone records of the woman dubbed the “D.C. Madam,” making him the first member of Congress to become ensnared in the high-profile case.

“This was a very serious sin in my past for which I am, of course, completely responsible,” Vitter, 46, said in a statement, which his spokesman, Joel DiGrado, confirmed to the Associated Press.

but hey, I’m sure he has found Jesus and all is forgiven, now back to the Lord’s work 

“Several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling,”

 Oh, well, nevermind, it’s cool, fuck all the French Quarters whores you want too then.  Just make sure you God forgives you and all is well.  I’m sure his 4 children will admire him 20 years from now.

 “Daddy?  That’s not mommy?”

In a radio interview, Vitter then called the allegation “absolutely and completely untrue” and dismissed it as “just crass Louisiana politics.”

Interesting though that he originally denied it…must be like that story where he denied cheating 3 x’s then the cock crowed and his dick got chopped off by a Roman.  (wait I’m confusing stories I think)

UPDATE: Man how shocking that he said this : “the existence or non-existence of a stable, loving, two-parent household” is the most significant predictor of success in life, although “that doesn’t mean you can’t rear a child well in another environment.” And, displaying a firm grasp of the obvious, Vitter also conceded that infidelity, divorce, and deadbeat dads contribute to the breakdown of traditional families.

“Daddy? Why are you and mommy getting divorced?”

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hiding in the open

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    This douche actually said that the “SANCITY OF MARRIAGE” is the MOST important issue facing America today! Not the endless war; not the 50 million Americans sans health insurance; not the trashing of the Constitution; but gay marriage is the #1 concern! WTFFFFF?!?!?!

    No wonder voters are leaving the GOP and its backward, socially retarded leaders in droves…they’re so misguided, or more appropriate, so slimy and hypocritical.

  2. Von Cracker says:

    Ugh…”Sanctity”, not sancity. 😉

  3. oedipa maas says:

    Actually, I think that the question the kids will be asking is: Mommy, why does Daddy have his legs crossed like that all of the time?

    Scroll to the end for the payoff.

  4. jason330 says:


    Another tough talking R will be eating crow. it sure is nice knowing that the universe is just.

  5. Chris says:

    Yes. We need the pure souls that make up the Democratic party. No daliances there. They know how to do it right. After you are with her, drive her into the nearest canal drown and walk back home….your buddies will keep you out of jail.

  6. jason330 says:

    Hmmm… correct me if I am wrong – but as I recall it was the Republicans who ran on a platform of sexual morality and the restoration of “family values.”

  7. donviti says:

    ahh chrissy,

    if you didn’t see my letter to mr Hoekstra the same applies here. No where did I say it was ok by the Dems, nor have I ever said I am a democrat actually. it is wrong on both sides.

    Jason is correct as well. This schmuck wants to pontificate about the importance of family but eat out some french toast while his wife cooks pancakes for his 4 kids, then he deserves what he gets.

    Let me know how many Dems have been caught up in sex scandals the past 4 years and get back to me though.

  8. Alan Coffey says:

    Don’t we all just ASSUME the Dems are sticking it to thier secretary? This A**hole just put himself out there for this.

    The whole Family Values thing is a sham. Family Values are for families, not federal governments. How about some Government Values? I think they call that the Constitution!