Mike Castle’s Demonization of War Critics Continues to Reverberate

Filed in National by on July 10, 2007

Mike Castle has been lying about his support for George Bush from the beginning. Now, with his back against the wall and his ongoing support of George Bush’s open ended war in Iraq fully exposed by recent protests, Mike Castle has taken a page out of Karl Rove’s play book and decided to demonize critics of the war. Calling war critics “uncaring” and saying that they lack compassion for the Iraqi people was a surprisingly “in your face” move from someone who prides himself on his ability to slink under the radar of public awareness.

Nancy Willing has collected some of the shocked reaction to Castle’s new approach to supporting Bush by denigrating anyone who thinks that it is well past time for the United States to leave Iraqi to the Iraqi’s. This comment is underscores Castle’s gross hypocrisy in playing the “compassion” card:

“If you care about them, you’d support bombing them? Invading them? Stealing their oil?”

No doubt Castle will continue to CLAIM that he opposes the President, but he will also not be able to provide one scintilla of evidence to support that claim. While Castle is quick to denigrate his constituents that disagree with him is not quick to make his alleged opposition to the President tangible in any meaningful way.

So far Mike Castle has voted for EVERY blank check that George Bush has asked for. In the meantime he has offered no amendments calling for accountability, penned no editorials expressing his opposition to the President, signed no letters protesting the President’s incompetent management of the war, has given his constituents nothing but empty rhetoric.

That point has not lost on the Americans Against the Escalation in Iraq. Thursday they are going to deliver a letter calling on Castle to stop lying about his record of voting with the President 100% of the time on Iraq.

Action Item: Even if you can’t attend the letter delivery protest – you can take part by calling, faxing or emailing Castle and demand that he stop covering for George Bush and stop demonizing his constituents who oppose the war.

They recommend something like this:

I am calling Congressman Castle to let him know that his voting pattern on the Iraq War is unacceptable. As a Republican, the Congressman has the power to help pass a bi-partisan bill to bring our troops home. We demand that he vote only for bills that include a set timetable for the redeployment of our troops from Iraq. Additionally, it is important that he accept the invitation to speak at “Take A Stand” Day that is being arranged by local Anti-Iraq War individuals and organizations. He must choose to Stand with the People of Delaware or stand with Bush’s failed Iraq War policy.”

Call and/or Fax Castle’s Wilmington Office throughout the day on Thursday July 12.
Wilmington Office:
Phone: (302) 428-1902
Fax: 302-428-1950

I’m going to email my letter directly to Castle’s brain. (Mike Quaranta – mike.quaranta@mail.house.gov)

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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