Delaware Liberal

Zero (zilch, nada) Targets Met = Success!!!

A progress report on Iraq will conclude that the U.S.-backed government in Baghdad has not met any of its targets for political, economic and other reform a U.S. official said Monday.

Why are we still in Iraq? If you are keeping score at home, here are some reason given by our big thinkers.

Al Mascitti: “Leaving Iraq will hurt the plastics industry.” (I shit you not. He holds this view.)

Mike Castle: “The chaos, destruction and mayhem we have created is really an expression of our compasion, goodness and charity to the people of Iraq.” (current pretext as of 7/7/2007)

Wingnut Chris: “Obey the President” (paraphrase)

Dick Cheney: “Go Fuck yourself.” (direct quote)

Ryan S: “We (meaning some other poor schmucks, but not me) have to fight Islam terrorlamist over there – so we don’t have to fight it/them here.” (paraphrase)

Hube: “Liberals want us to leave, so we must stay.” (paraphrase)

If I forgot any reasons currently being given for staying please let me know in the comments.


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