I have a feeling…

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 11, 2007

It’s not a gut feeling though, more like a twang, yeah, that’s it.  I have a twang.  A twangy feeling.  I don’t have a doctors note on my twang, but I know a twang when I feel it.

Yup, definitely a twang.  It seems my twang acts up in the summer.  The summer seems to be the best time for my twang.  I don’t have data or facts to support this belief, but you can trust me.  I swear.  No, really, I’m an expert. 

It is a heightened twang right now.  More or less I expect to have my twangometer at the same level for the rest of the summer though. 

I don’t want to get my twang bent out of shape right now, but I feel it.  Don’t worry about my twang either, I’ll let you know if something creeps up, my guess is around the 2nd week of August my twang will really shoot up.  But, I just figured I would let you know about my twang, even though I’m not changing my twangometer and I don’t have any proof that it is even a twang.

Please, go about your day, this twang update never even happened as far as you know.


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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    I believe that this is the literal truth.

  2. donviti says:

    lmao….it depends what the definition of twang is.

    twang 2000 years ago is MUCH different than a twang of today

  3. A twang?
    Donviti, perhaps we have associated afflictions, mine being what I describe as wiggles in my wang.

  4. donviti says: