My Follow up to my follow up letter to Mike Castle

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 11, 2007

Good Morning Congressman,  I have sent two emails to you with no response.  The first was sent on 6/28/2007 and the second on 7/03/2007.  I have yet to hear back from you regarding my first 3 questions or the question I added to the 2nd email.  As I said before I am not in the habit of contacting elected officials so forgive me for not knowing how long I should wait for some sort of reply from you.  I am not sure what to make of this protracted delay, but I do know as a registered voter as well as a resident of Brandywine Hundred this lack of respect for my genuine curiosity on your position of recent national matters is very disconcerning.   

My questions are still relevant to what is going in this nation and I would still like all of them answered as would several thousand residents in Delaware for that matter.  Since my first email a senior aid for the Vice President had his sentence commuted.  The white house has denied subpeaona after subpeaona and now we have learned that AG Alberto Gonzales lied to Congress concerning him not knowing of any issues with the warrantless wiretapping.   

Congressman Castle, I am getting the distinct impression that you feel you do not have to answer these questions and can sit on the fence without an opinion.  Increasingly you must be aware that you have a responsibility to your constituents to let them know where you stand on matters of public interest. 

Congressman Castle, I have added some follow up questions to the initial ones I sent you.  I hope that you can find the time to answer them.  The public is awaiting your answers sir.  We deserve to know where you stand.

  1. Can you tell me how you feel about the President commuting the sentence of Scooter Libby?  How you feel about President Bush circumventing the normal procedures to do so?  As well as, what kind of a message you think this sends to the citizens of Delaware?
  2. Can you give me an idea of how you feel the “Surge in Iraq” is working?  Several Senators have said it isn’t.  Do you disagree with them?
  3. Can you give me your opinion of Alberto Gonzalez?  More specifically how you feel about him being caught lying to Congress regarding the warrantless wiretapping.  Do you have confidence in him?  If so why?  If not why?
  4. Can you give me your opinion on the White House citing Executive Privilege as a reason why their current and former staffers do not have to testify before Congress regarding the DOJ firings as well as the Warrantless Wiretapping fiasco? 

    I will be posting this letter as well as your reply on as soon as they are received. Thank you for your time, the donviti


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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    Great letter.

  2. donviti says:

    I was thinking about sending it to Joe biden..I’m sure he read it here but, it would be nice for him to see how his fellow law maker fails to answer his constituents…hell I think I might…

  3. oedipa maas says:

    Nice letter!

    My impression of the DE Congressional Contingent is that they are not especially email friendly. Any time I have gotten a reply from Castle, it was as a result of a US Mail letter. Occasionally I will hear back from Biden or Carper on an emailed issue, but all of them resort to form letters that are mostly worthless. Perhaps if you asked for an email-based interview they might answer….

    And did anyone see the article in yesterday’s NJ re: Castle’s Townhall Meeting? While he seems to be giving some thought to disclosing all earmarks, I was struck by how the Townhall was gathered. If I read correctly, it seemed that somebody made a bunch of random calls to ask if the folks on the other end of the line wanted to participate in said Townhall. Can that be right?

  4. jason330 says:

    That’s right.

    I blogged about Congressman Chickenshit’s new bullshit town hall meetings here

  5. oedipa maas says:

    Well that is bullshit.

    Wonder if my employer will buy a new scheme for staff meetings — I’ll call him at some random time on the assigned day and if he’s in, it’s on, but if not, he forfeits any entitlement to know what I am doing on his behalf.

    Think I can get away with that?

  6. jason330 says:

    My quick email to Del State News “soundoff”

    Congressman Castle should be called Congressman Chicken. His new town hall meetings are fraudulent PR stunts in which he calls Iraq war supporters in order to have his support of George Bush validated. Castle needs to have some guts and face the voters 70% of whom oppose the war and are disgusted by the Congressman’s continued support of it.