My kiss ass letter to Holy Joe

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 11, 2007

Yes, I wrote a but smooching letter to Joe.  I don’t care.  I come from the retail side of the world.  I think it is important to let people know when they are doing a good job, not just a bad one.  A compliment goes a long way and it something we don’t do enough in this world.

so read away!

Senator Biden,

I wanted to thank you for being so outspoken recently regarding the Bush administration continual malfeasance. It is refreshing to see a law maker from Delaware be so outspoken. I can honestly say that as a citizen of Delaware you are speaking for me when you continually call out the President on his absurd behavior whether it is the War in Iraq or the commutation of Scooter Libby.

I thought you might like to be made aware that your colleague Mike Castle has failed to answer 2 of my letters. I recently sent a third letter to him asking him these questions:

1. Can you tell me how you feel about the President commuting the sentence of Scooter Libby? How you feel about President Bush circumventing the normal procedures to do so? As well as, what kind of a message you think this sends to the citizens of Delaware?

2. Can you give me an idea of how you feel the “Surge in Iraq” is working? Several Senators have said it isn’t. Do you disagree with them?

3. Can you give me your opinion of Alberto Gonzalez? More specifically how you feel about him being caught lying to Congress regarding the warrantless wiretapping. Do you have confidence in him? If so why? If not why?

4. Can you give me your opinion on the White House citing Executive Privilege as a reason why their current and former staffers do not have to testify before Congress regarding the DOJ firings as well as the Warrantless Wiretapping fiasco?

Perhaps he has not answered these questions because I stated I would be posting them on a very popular blog in Delaware. I’m not sure why, but I do know that if you choose to reply I owe it to my readers and the thousands that visit each week what our politicians are saying to average citizens like me.

Senator Biden, I would like to thank you again for already having answered most of the questions I have posed to Congressman Castle. I would like to thank you for answering these questions before your constituents have to call you to find out where you stand. It is refreshing to see that you are standing up for what is right and giving Delawareans like me a voice in the halls of Congress. While I may not always agree with you, of late I have found that you speak for me and many other Delawareans.

I can only wish that the hope you have breathed into some of us in Delaware that the troops will come home soon, that this administration will be held accountable for a change, that the President and his followers no longer have a rubber stamp to do as they please will be the catalyst that will force the likes of Mike Castle to own up to the mistakes he has made in blindly following George Bush.




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hiding in the open

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  1. Alan Coffey says:

    donviti, sometimes you make sense. But feeding the ego of that kind of animal always leads to tears.

    Delaware is a small state. His head barely fits in here as it is.

  2. donviti says:

    at delaware liberal we don’t make sense we make change….

    wait? that didn’t come out right

    what were you saying alan?

  3. Alan Coffey says:

    Good! Let’s change Holy Joe for somebody who makes sense when he rambles.

    “Politicians are like underwear. They should be changed often, and for the same reason.”
    P.J. O’Rourke (I think)