Obama Can’t win

Filed in National by on July 15, 2007

He is either an angry black man or a sissy-ass book-club loving faggot.

I wish the right-wing spinmiesters like Tucker Carlson and Willie Geist would make up their freaking minds.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. This is enough to make me boycott this idiot’s show once and for all.

  2. Ryan S. says:

    This is enough to make me boycott this idiot’s show once and for all.

    The odds you watch his show are slim to done.

    Shockingly, the chances that either you or Jason have anything resembling a sense of humor are even smaller.

  3. Fuck you Ryan you littel smarmy punk. Who are you to call me a liar, sheesh,
    some kind of fucking ass.

    I have watched his show and Hardball everyday for years and then I jump over to channel 12 at 6 for the News Hour. And I watched Crossfire before that where the bowtied Fucker got his start matched up with rest of the Beltway cocktail weinie crowd including most of the supposed liberals on that show.

    Keep your nose brown and you backside limber if you like it that way but keep your idiot brain cells from overheating thinking that every liberal gives a shit about your pitiful perspective

  4. jason330 says:


  5. oedipa maas says:

    “The odds you watch his show are slim to done.”

    Given the very paltry ratings of this show, my guess is that the odds of anybody watching this show are pretty slim.

    Their very pathetic attempt at humor certainly does not prevent one from observing the irony of a couple of wussy white guys invoking mani/pedi parties to impugn somebody else’s manhood.

  6. I don’t watch any of these “talking heads” but then again why does any one?

    I do think Mr. Obama faces many challenges in his race but I think they come from Sen. Clinton not the Republicans. She will spare no effort to destroy him.

  7. Ryan S. says:


    Thanks for proving my point about no sense of humor. Can’t even handle a gentle ribbing, or did I just hit a nerve?

  8. jason330 says:

    Ryan –

    The thing about right wing humor is, it’s not funny.

  9. Ryan S. says:


    I’m saddened that your humor has political boundaries.

  10. Ryan, when you learn how to employ humor let me know.
    I don’t suffer fools lightly and you don’t know the difference between being a fool, a clown and a comedian.
    If you think it is funny to call people liars, think again.

  11. Ryan S. says:

    Sorry to disappoint you, but I didn’t call you a liar.

  12. btw once again the wingnut can’t address content:

    this entire sorry attitude that a book club should be ridiculed, especially that a black person of either gender is endorsing READING for god’s sake as an object of scorn is reprehensible.
    Address the substance Ryan. Is this book club laudable or laughable?

  13. Ryan S. says:

    a black person of either gender is endorsing READING for god’s sake

    So this is a special case because he’s black? Seems a tad racist to me, like blacks are inferior or something and can’t read out of some sort of organized group.

    That being said, I think that book clubs in general are a good thing, and I happen to be a member of one or two.

    However, Obama’s book club seems not to be focused on reading so much as on Obama. Seems like any other self-serving campaign activity. Nothing wrong with that though, self-promotion is one of his jobs right now.

    I just think Tucker was a humorous drawing comparison between Obama’s book club and the nation’s most famous one, Oprah’s. He goes on in that segment to mention that Orpah is on the cover of every issue of her magazine.

  14. Look Ryan, if you were just havin’ some fun then I apologize for over-reacting,
    Considering that the black culture’s struggle to gain even ground in educational achievement, it is laudable to have high statured people advocating reading.