Important Civic Action This Thursday

Filed in National by on July 16, 2007

I’ll be at this one and I have a little surprise for Congressman Castle.

Rally and March to Castle’s House:
Protest Castle’s Support of War and Vote last Thursday to keep the troops in Iraq

What: March and Rally: Protesting Castle’s Support for President Bush’s Reckless Iraq War Policy

Who: YOU & Other Delawareans United for Change and Action!
Coordinated by: Americans Against Escalation in Iraq

Where: From Saint Ann’s Catholic Church to Congressman Mike Castle’s Wilmington Home
Begin: Saint Ann’s Catholic Church- Meet by 6:55pm 2013 Gilpin Ave. The Corner of Gilpin and Union, Not far from Trolley Square End: Congressman Mike Castle’s Wilmington Home

When: This Thursday, July 19th at 7pm

Why: Because Congressman Castle voted to continue supporting Bush’s Reckless Iraq War Policy and did NOT vote to bring our troops home; we must show him that he was wrong. Conressman Castle is accountable to the people of Delaware. Delawareans want Castle to Take A Stand and bring the troops home!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Filling in for Celia Cohen « DelawareLiberal.Net | July 18, 2007
  1. Chris says:

    File this one under “stalking”.

    Uh guys. If you are going to have your little protests, people’s offices, government buildings, and etc. are where you are supposed to be. Outside their private homes crosses the line BIG TIME.

  2. Chris says:

    “I’ll be at this one and I have a little surprise for Congressman Castle.”

    You may want to remove this Jaybo. I believe this is what is known as a “threat”. Definitely not legal.

  3. Rebecca says:

    Yup, freedom to assemble and freedom of speach have died under BushCo. America is no longer an open and free society. Too bad everyone just rolled over and gave up on this. It was nice for the 200+ years that it lasted.

  4. jason330 says:

    Come and get me copper’s!!

    I’d love to be arrested for saying that I have a little surprise for Mike Castle. It would be great for the getting the message out.

    In the meantime, don’t try and bait me into revealing the surprise. You have to attend the protest to find out.

  5. Dave says:

    “Yup, freedom to assemble and freedom of speach have died under BushCo. America is no longer an open and free society. Too bad everyone just rolled over and gave up on this. It was nice for the 200+ years that it lasted.”

    Yeah. Why stop outside his house? Why not just go inside and make yourself a late dinner?

    After all, doesn’t his government salary pay for his food? Aren’t you entitled to that, too, since your tax dollars paid for it? Maybe you can spend the night, too! After all, it’s an “open and free society,” right?

  6. jason330 says:

    Good points Dave.

    Wait…Oh…. I get it…you don’t think we should go into the house. It’s that gen X irony thing.

    Got it!

  7. Rebecca says:

    I’d starve before I’d have dinner with Representative Castle. You Republicans all think that we envy you and want to be invited in to the posh life. Yuk! If I had to wear pink and green I’d die of embarrassment.

    All I want is to walk peacefully on the public, city sidewalk. I think we’ve recently established that they are city sidewalks.

  8. Mikey will be having his dinner at his beach home I’d guess.

    And Chrissy priss is being ridiculous. We are going to have a march that ends at his home address. What difference is there between coming to his house and ringing the doorbell than calling his home phone, well within bounds.

    I remember many a march in Newark down the campus mall over to the university president’s house in the late 1970’s when the activist students were protesting aparteid.

    And surely anyone paying attention to Delaware blogging remembers Dana Garrett and Mike Matthews marching over to the Wilmington home of Harris McDowell last year during some blackout and ringing his doorbell to ask him why everyone’s power had not been restored?

    How far from our center may we have fallen if our leaders are set on pedestal, are we then the modern American society untouchables?

  9. Chris says:

    “I’d love to be arrested for saying that I have a little surprise for Mike Castle. It would be great for the getting the message out.”

    Then come to my house and ring my doorbell….I may just be a big 2nd amendment supporter. And if the coppers come get me, I can show how USEFUL the 2nd amendment is….

  10. anon says:

    And if the coppers come get me, I can show how USEFUL the 2nd amendment is….

    Chris’s compound is called “Waco-on-the-Brandywine…”

  11. June says:

    “Outside their private homes crosses the line BIG TIME.”

    Voting to invade a country that had nothing to do with defending the USA crossed the line BIG TIME. Continuing to support the occupation and war really crosses the line.

    We don’t plan to barge into his house and disrupt. Standing outside to protest is legitimate, considering what the Iraqi people are going through, thanks to our Govt. and Castle’s votes.

  12. Chris says:

    “considering what the Iraqi people are going through, thanks to our Govt. and Castle’s votes.”

    The funny thing is that you guys have actually deluded yourselves to the point where you are starting to believe this. 90% are doing this out of pure partisism. If Bush had decided not to attack any country as a result of 9/11 you would still be screaming for his head and marching to Castle’s house DEMANDING an invasion ANYWHERE.

    The other 10% are just pure anti-war who would have been against us going to war with Japan and Germany in WWII. It has nothing whatsover to do with your concern for the Iraqi people.

  13. It’s my birthday! I’ll be enjoying a delicious sushi dinner. I’ll certainly try to stop by, though…video camera and all!

  14. jason330 says:

    Miki moto? Pricey but I have never had anything I didn’t love.

    Video camera..awesome.

  15. jason330 says:

    Chris –

    Are you flat out of arguments or what?