Congressman Mike Castle (Hearts) Symbolism

Filed in National by on July 17, 2007

Well, it turns out that the guy who voted against every Democratic plan to demand accountability from the White House on Iraq because it was too “symbolic” is now pushing the “Iraq Study Group (ISG) Recommendations Implementation Act of 2007.”

Get this. It is a measure that is written as a “sense of the Congress” – meaning, “it has the same legal weight as National Ice Cream Day.”

Oh and by the way, the “Iraq Study Group (ISG) Recommendations Implementation Act of 2007” (if it was an actual law – which it is not) mandates that the we maintain troops in Iraq “subject to unexpected development in the security situation on the ground.”   As Aravisis points out, this means that if things don’t get better, we don’t leave.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this Bush’s plan with a bow on it?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. SORRY Mike
    it is day late dollar short for ISG
    Back the withdrawl plan
    we don’t want to cut and run
    we want you to set a timetable

    WE DON’T TRUST YOU or BUSH to even try the ISG prescripts