Reefer Blindness is creating more Terrorists

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 17, 2007

yep, you read that right Reefer Blindness…Those words were uttered by none other than John P. Walters, President Bush’s drug czar,

“Don’t buy drugs. They fund violence and terror,” he said.

Meanwhile yesterday Dr Drew of MTV fame, was in Rayburn House Office Building. (in DC) and he had this to say: marijuana “is certainly no worse than alcohol and cigarettes and maybe better.”


There’s no standard like a double standard, yes there’s no standard like a double standard for meeeeeeee


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hiding in the open

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  1. Hube says:

    Dude, what the hell is “Refer Blindness”? Is this when your doctor refers you to a specialist for a sight impairment?

    Cripes, the article spells it right, but you spell it wrong not once but TWICE!

    “Reading is fundamental.” — Old Proverb

  2. donviti says:

    I don’t know what you are talking about 🙂

    my glaucoma gets to me in the afternoon

  3. Hube says:

    Ah … corrected at last ….

  4. donviti says:

    hu, wha…beat it troll!

  5. Von Cracker says:

    Long Live The DUTCH!!!

    They got the drug thing right 30 years ago…

    Decriminalize soft-drugs, along with serious education is proven to work in reducing usage rates. Ironically, Holland has the lowest drug usage rate in Europe.

    Anyway, the ‘war’ on (some) drugs will always fail, especially when Big Pharma basically asks people to “ask your doctor”…It’s nothing more than self-medication within one big payola system…

  6. donviti says:

    spoken like a true pot head!

    you probably are high right now!

  7. Von Cracker says:

    I wish, dude, I wish……

  8. David says:

    Wow, Von Cracker is a pot head, that’s a surprise . . . wait for it . . . wait for it . . . NOT

  9. oedipa maas says:

    Sort of a long story here…

    My work takes me to crazy, remote places in the US and once, early in my career, we were in the wilds of Appalachia on a survey of sorts for a client. We are out there in God’s Country with trucks full of high tech stuff, traipsing through who knows where, having a pretty fine time out of sight of management.

    One day, we are on our traipsing and all of a sudden, we are staring a 5 guys pointing guns at us asking where we are from. It turns out that we were on the edge of their hidden marijuana field. Now, it took some fast talking (and our employee IDs) to prove that we were not law enforcement; especially NOT trying to cop their stuff; and crucially that we would not run out and tell where they were (I told you about the employee IDs, right?).

    Of course we booked outta there ASAP (and by stupid luck had enuff data to justify moving elsewhere) and spent the rest of our trip not just looking over our shoulders, but fantasizing about whether our instrument cases would be a suitable way to smuggle some back.

    Anyway, those guys who snuck up on us certainly did not strike me as the kind to coddle terrorists. If those guys got their hands on OBL, they’d likely make him the target of one of those Human Hunts of much lore and then take the flayed body to dump on the steps of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

    But isn’t interesting that this is turning into The Week of Terror? These guys are ramping it all up, from AQ all the way to pot growers. I guess I should not be surprised that this is all they have left.

    Stylish equipment for Reefer Blindness

  10. Von Cracker says:

    NOT? Like a Borat “NOT”?

    Never touched the stuff. It’ll turn you into a krazy Mexican with a hankering for white wimmin, so so I learned from “Reefer Madness”

  11. David says:

    Ha . . . you haven’t touch the stuff like priests don’t touch little boys.

  12. donviti says:

    All of a sudden I feel like I don’t know you 2 people

  13. Von Cracker says:

    Ok, the priest comment got me! Guilty as charged! And if this is the David I think it is…..Chelsea Rules!!!! (and i’m not talking Clinton)

  14. donviti says:

    takes one to know one is all I’m saying….

  15. J says:

    legalize it already!

  16. Von Cracker says:


  17. Alan Coffey says:

    War on Drugs!
    War on Poverty!
    War on Terror!

    Starts to sound like the Jim Rome show.