I think this may be the best explanation of why they hate us

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 18, 2007

I think this article touches on a key element on why they *(they being muslims in the middle east)*

How did the US end up in its current predicament? In January 2006, Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza cast their ballots. Voting for the first time in 10 years, and resentful of corruption and arrogance in the Palestinian Authority, they decided for Hamas, described by many in the West as a terrorist group. Blindsided by its legitimate victory, the Bush administration faced a stark dilemma. If it accepted the result, a group that has launched terrorist attacks against Israel would be permitted to enjoy power. However, since the US had strongly backed the elections, rejecting the outcome would be hypocritical. Seasoned diplomats urged a middle path: Work with Hamas and foster a pragmatic dialogue with Israel. But the US rejected this. Instead, it campaigned to isolate and financially undermine the Hamas government, while working secretly to overthrow it.

That policy prompted derision of US claims to foster democracy in the Arab world. And it upheld the radical Islamists’ claim that democracy is a sham.


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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    OMG – You mean Bush f’ed it up…Shocking!!!

    Mike Castle’s reaction: “Another blank check? Yes Sir, Right away Sir!!”

  2. Hube says:

    Puh-lease. This is just such an oversimplification as to stagger the senses. Promoting democracy does NOT mean accepting an outcome that puts genocidal terrorists in power. The claim that Hamas would “end corruption” etc. is so lame when compared to its other philosophies, y’know, like wiping out Israel and Jews. And, as usual, it’s just one more “We’re at fault for the Arabs hating us” notion from the Left.

    Though I loathe Hitler analogies, Hamas’ barbaric beliefs are clearly an apt comparison. Adolph did “turn around” his country. There was just a small thing called European domination and the Final Solution that “got in the way” of historical recognition, right?

  3. jason330 says:

    However, since the US had strongly backed the elections, rejecting the outcome would be hypocritical. Seasoned diplomats urged a middle path: Work with Hamas and foster a pragmatic dialogue with Israel.

    Too bad Bush does not listen to anyone except Dick Cheney. He kind of reminds me of Hitler in that respect.

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    Accused of oversimplification – that’s rich! W is the epitome of oversimplification. He turned a secular Sunni despot into de facto Al Qaeda. Nothing is simpler than repeating “remember 9/11” ad nauseam.

    Yeah, conservatives are the kings of nuance. What a douche bag.

  5. donviti says:


    Promoting democracy does NOT mean accepting an outcome that puts genocidal terrorists in power.

    So we will back the democracy we like, not the one they voted for…uh huh, that’s democracy?

  6. Von Cracker says:


    It same treatment we gave Central and South American countries over the past 100 years….