Mitt Romney = a Class Act

Filed in National by on July 20, 2007

In an apparent violation of the law, a controverisal aide to ex-Gov. Mitt Romney created phony law enforcement badges that he and other staffers used on the campaign trail to strong-arm reporters, avoid paying tolls and trick security guards into giving them immediate access to campaign venues, sources told the Herald.

heck of a guy he is. I wonder if Brigham Young paid tolls on his way to Utah? Maybe as a Mormon it’s against his religion….

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hiding in the open

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  1. anon says:

    Romney’s dog issued the following statement on this development:

    “ROOF!! ROOOOF!!

  2. Translation

    I shit on Mitt’s rooooooof

  3. Anon II says:

    Why does the dog say ‘bow wow’? must be a Morman plot…….

  4. Anon II says:

    What I meant is why doesn’t mitt’s dog say ‘bow wow’….it’s late and this proves it’s time for me to turn in…night, night.