Joe rips Rudy a new one.

Filed in National by on July 22, 2007


Two things:

1) Joe is right. There is no way AQ getting stronger is good for the country of George Bush.

2) I can’t over the fact that Rudy is the Republican front runner. What a pack of losers.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (11)

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  1. J says:

    I’ll take a stab at it also.

    Two things:
    1) As usual, Joe is wrong. There is no way AQ is stronger, and it’s not GW’s country it’s ours.

    2) Rudy is not the front runner. Fred is.

  2. jason330 says:

    J –

    Fred is tanking. Too coy I guess. Check it out.

  3. J says:

    He’ll bounce right back after his announcement. Rasmussen still has him in the lead.

    FYI, I like that site a lot, pretty cool and it’s nice to have something unconventional to guage support.

  4. J says:


    Just FYI. I keep getting this message.

    There was a small systems error. Please try refreshing the page and if the error is still there drop us a note and let us know.

    Yet it still posts?

  5. jason330 says:

    WordPress is buggy tonight.

    Iowa electronic markets has a long track record of out predicting polling operations.

    It is “informed” bettors vs. random sampling.

  6. “AQ getting stronger” is part of the recent report from our intellegence as Biden points out here.
    J, you are talking nonsense.
    Biden is not claiming this in a vaccuum, he is repeating facts from Gvt agencies who are analyzing data (and perhaps reading their guts).

  7. J says:


    Biden loves to bash pre-war intel and now it’s Gospel? What?

    Worse than that is the fact he’s not stupid, he knows what an asessment is and the process of how it comes together. If the classified report is in fact out there, that’s F!@# up, I don’t think that’s what he’s seen, so he’s promoting rumor.

    If it’s not rumor and he’s reading from a classified document, that’s doubly F!@# up.

  8. J says:


    Let me add some clarity. The NIE covers years at a time. What was released was a two page unclassified summary. Anyone involved in the process knows how dated and broad it is.

    See here:
    “The estimate concluded that “the U.S. Homeland will face a persistent and evolving terrorist threat over the next three years.” Al-Qaeda, it said, “is and will remain” the most serious element of that threat.

    The report stressed the effectiveness of counterterrorism measures, in cooperation with other countries, in disrupting terrorist networks and preventing attacks against the United States in the years immediately after Sept. 11, 2001. But it expressed concern that cooperation may wane as memories fade and as perceptions of the nature and origin of the threat diverge.”

    In conclusion, don’t let your memory fade and we’ll be fine.

  9. J says:

    I think Fred will be fine.
    Check it out:

    “Among all voters nationwide, Thompson has enjoyed growing support as his amazingly successful pre-campaign roll-out moves along. Twenty-five percent (25%) of all voters now say they will definitely vote for the man from Tennessee if he is on the ballot in 2008. No other Republican matches that level of base support. Among Democrats, only Clinton and Obama have higher levels of base support (and Clinton has the highest level of base opposition among all candidates).”

  10. J says:

    and then there’s Biden…

    Same report:
    At the other extreme, two candidates have base opposition from more than 40% of voters. Forty-six percent (46%) say they will definitely vote against Clinton and 42% will definitely vote against Delaware Senator Joe Biden (D).

    On a net basis, the top candidates are Obama (29% for, 37% against), Thompson (25% for, 34% against), and Arizona Senator John McCain (22% for, 35% against). McCain enjoyed a big improvement compared to a month ago, but is still weaker than he was two months ago. The weakest candidates on a net basis are former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (6% for, 37% against) and Biden (8% for, 42% against).

  11. jason330 says:

    The Biden numbers are surprising.