Delaware Liberal

Q: Will Mike Castle’s position on the impeachment of George Bush be an election issue in 2008?

A: It should be.

Let’s look at what some people are saying about impeachment…

“It’s necessary to initiate impeachment to prevent Mr. Bush from further closing off lines of investigation by use of the pardon power. Then we proceed from there.”

Hube – Please note the word “initiate”, there. The sense is that just starting the proceedings makes a big difference. Does Mike Castle think that we are a country of laws? Does he think that the President is just another citizen when it comes to obeying the law? Those are legitimate questions to ask. (Don’t hold your breath waiting for the News Journal to ask them.)

Deborah Newell Tornello says,

“Impeachment Matters–Even More […] We must impeach the President and Vice President of the United States, and we must begin proceedings to do so immediately, not just for the purpose of exacting a punitive remedy, but also toward enacting a vitally important preventive measure–one that may be the only available means by which to protect the country from the impending imposition of martial law at home as well as the declaration of war against Iran and possibly other countries in the Middle East.”

My wingnut friends will say that the imposition of martial law is hardly inevitable. Given Bush’s record, I don’t. What does Mike Castle think?

House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers has said that if three more Congress Members get behind impeachment he will start the impeachment proceedings. If Castle balks can he still claim to be a moderate in 2008?

ACTION ITEM: Call Castle this week and ask him to sign onto H Res 635, Conyers’ bill for an investigation into grounds for impeachment.

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