Democratic Candidates Way Better Than Republicans

Filed in National by on July 23, 2007

Consider this fact:  The Wall Street Journal reports that The Democratic Field has raised $100 million more than the Republican field.

In the last quarter, Senator Obama alone signed up more contributors that the top three Republicans combined.

Campaign contributors to the 2008 presidential candidates heavily favored Democrats in the three-month period that ended Saturday, giving three dollars to the party’s leading contenders for every two dollars they gave to the top Republican candidates.

Democratic Sen. Barack Obama’s 258,000 contributors since January exceed the combined number of donors of former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), according to estimates provided by the campaigns.

Bottom Line: America simply can’t stand the idea of another Republican President.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. Chris says:

    I suppose that is one conclusion one could draw. Though if you remove Soros’s and Hollywood’s contributions, the numbers will more than likely even out.

    Even still, conservatives being well..conservative, are waiting to see which GOP candidate will emerge before investing money in the campaign. The Dems have so many unsatisfactory candidates that Dem regulars are wisely trying to make sure the best ones rise above the rest. Which is precisely how it is supposed to work.

    On the GOP side we have many good candidates and strong faith that the weak ones will get weeded out. I for one have not yet chosen a favorite. There are many of them I believe would do a great job. Actually, it is easy to figure out which will do the best job. The ones you guys vilify the most are most likely the best for the country.

  2. jason330 says:

    In the last quarter, Senator Obama alone signed up more contributors that the top three Republicans combined.

    Sorros Schmoros.

  3. anon says:

    Newt agrees with Jason’s take.

    WASHINGTON (Map, News) – Dismissing the GOP presidential field as a “pathetic” bunch of “pygmies,” Newt Gingrich hinted Monday he might step in to beat Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama.

  4. Chris says:

    “Newt Gingrich hinted Monday he might step in to beat Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama.”

    We liked what Newt did in 1994, but he has ceased to be relevant. He, like Gore, is desperately seeking relevance.

  5. “We need a wealth of ideas not simply a “big war chest”.

    Who said that quote??

    Harold Ford, head of DLC. I agree.

  6. kavips says:

    Big money has decided it likes its chances with either Obama or Clinton. It is not the “little people” paying into those campaign chests. They are too busy paying Delmarva Power, or their equivalent….

    It is the same big money that was paid into Bush’s campaign. I am afraid we will soon find out that we have some compromised candidates.
    Compromised to the right, not the left…..