On this day in Delaware history

Filed in National by on July 23, 2007

Nothing much happened. A Dupont wife started a charity or something.

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About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. I really enjoyed that!!

    When Howe set sail this day in 1777 Washington was flummoxed as hell. The Brits were equally screwed because he was supposed to sail north to help the rest of the army fight decisively to squelch the NEw England rebels.
    Howe’s fatal decision to sail south and up the Chesapeake to sneak up on Philly via Newark – Chadds Ford et al resulted in the failure of the New England initiative and all of the English generals leading the war that summer were summarily fired in the end.

    The Brits’ loss at Saratoga signalled to the French that the colonial army was worth a full backing armada and boots on the ground which, of course, was the kick that really allowed us to prevail.


  2. Such a shame that Delaware has never allowed the full celebration of our role in this year. A few blips at Cooch’s doesn’t do it.

    We need a full out Rev War Tourism project and I mean to die trying.

    Thanks to Pam Scott Paul Clarky, we have a tenuous hold at best over some of the coolest Rev War heritage in Delaware at the La Grange farm.

    Shame on all of the players in this travesty of powers in our fair state. The entire story is a modern day blood letting that rises to the top eschalon of government and their development cohorts.

    Take care with your votes people lest all of what we hold dear shall be stripped irreparably from us by these greedmeister hos.